Ferdinand von Hindenburg
Albert de Fontes-Malave   Florida, United States
King of the Bulgars
Tsar of Bulgaria
Tsar of Serbia
Ruler of the Grand Duchy of Italy
Advisor to Monarchs
Commander-in-Chief of the Bulgarian Military

Personal Information
Age: 17
Political Views: Conservative/Political Realist
Religion: Roman Catholic
Style/Form of Adress: Your Most High Majesty
Best at: TW games, Parodox games, Political Purges
Worst at: RPG games, Democratic process
Hates/Dislikes: People who spam BS, people who win online arguments because they type faster than me, too much control by a single person or group, and the dutch
Titles and Offices:
King of Bulgaria
Prince of the Bulgars
Grand Duke of Borgia Itlay
Duke of Rome
FieldMarshell of Saxony
Grand Duke of Siberia
Gonfalaniere of Borgia Italy
General of the Roman Empire
Reichminister of the German Empire
High Lord General of Germanland
Despoiler of Enemies and Destroyer of Peace
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥 14 มี.ค. 2020 @ 8: 11am 
Nicholas 8 พ.ค. 2017 @ 3: 04pm 
Hindenburg you still alive?
Henry von Minden 17 ธ.ค. 2012 @ 2: 24pm 

Herr von Hindenburg, please vote for your party of choice in this glorious Election!

Fürst Heinrich von Minden
UberMac85 28 ก.ย. 2012 @ 6: 34pm 
Hi, i have finaly finished sorting out files for the epic game TOTAL ANNIHILATION. Its the best strategy RTS I have ever played, its a very intense game & will certainly keep you on your toes. Its also one of the best online game & this game has had alot of awards over the years, the music was hard to crack, i have done all the hard work for you guys, this version is TOTAL ANNIHILATION ESCELATION V6.0.0 which is the latest version with loads new units to play with, if playing against ai go to skirmish and i can assure you u will be challenged, ever since CAVEDOG went bust years back and there servers went down most people inc myself were unable to play this great game, but after months & months of searching and messing around i have cracked it all for you.
Kind regards, ÜberMäc
Download Link: http://www.filebox.com/3qalr2s0a1vb

Ferdinand von Hindenburg 17 ส.ค. 2012 @ 3: 01pm 




