!✘$.#✌ dEndE.n8r 30 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 12: 12pm 
Das übliche versuchen das beste aus allem zumachen :shockjockey:
Hamti Alexander Damti 27 เม.ย. 2012 @ 10: 13pm 
So Gabsen mein Lieber,
dieser Bong ist erstmal der letzte den du siehst bis du dein Führerschein hast =)))
Ich wünsche dir dabei viel Erfolg und bleib Cool du Pfeife xD
Lilly<33* 28 ก.ค. 2011 @ 12: 29pm 
Hii (( ;
☜☢K.O.M.A☢☞ ︻ 芫 9 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 3: 16pm 
So tonight was really crude! Need but
really do not feel guilty that
You've awakened me. In such cases, I am
as for thee. Was not a problem for me
up to go to the hospital. Nevertheless, you must
really careful. As is so real and what
bad happen! Try to imagine that
Bottle would burst! Fortunately, the
Doctors get them out. I'm just
not sure if they really believe that
you know the beer bottle with your seat cushion
confused on it and have come up so
you can ... what the hell ... I believe you! Well
care. Now the beer bottle is again out of
your butt and the vacuum was so loud the professor
no further damage caused to the intestine.
Once again had luck! Regards ... and you
know: When it gets serious, you can count on me
BsE AnalRitter 26 ต.ค. 2010 @ 8: 29am 
und von mir auch als 3. ^^
Chantal_de_Luxe 17 ต.ค. 2010 @ 11: 20pm 
Och Gabi......keiner schreibt dir, was?! bin ick die Erste die hier was postete....lieben Gruß