► Name: Andreyev
╠═►Age: 19
╠══►Game: MW2
╠═══►Clan: I do want to have a tryout for ts/qs clan
╠════► Fav.Maps: Highrise,Terminal and Favela
╠═════►Fav.Mod: S&D,FFA
╠══════►Fav.Weapon: Intervention
╠═══════►About me: I <3 Trickshot
╚════════►From: Holland

QS 1v1 rates:

Wins: 90 Loses: 9

I've played more then this but never updated it. From now on I will.
Majbritt Hestbæk 2011 年 11 月 14 日 上午 4:59 
Real Friend <3!
Bellatr1x 2011 年 8 月 17 日 上午 4:37 
Let the game begin!

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