Group: Tactical Air Control Party / Combat Control Team / The Expendables Mercenaries
InGameName: TKSnowy (current)
Scaretimbo ® (made by me and Syndicate)
Expendable names: LeeXmaS, Rarney Boss
xtimzor (alternative)
Mr Smooth Bullz (for fun)
Mr SharxRage (alternative, used in CoD4, MW2 & MW3)
aTIMbo (alternate, used it in MW2)
BadD-Boy or just D-Boy (used it in MW2 times)
Music: Rap, mostly ♫Eminem♫, but also Rock and Country
Activities: Crossfit, Calisthenics, Running
Movies: The Expendables, Lone Survivor, The Town
Favorite Youtube channels: Sandy Ravage, TheSyndicateProject, TheMarkOfJ

"I once knew a man called Tool..
Who, to me, was the epitome of cool..
Good with a knife..
Bad with a wife..
But to think he could beat me?
Dreamin he’d defeat me?
Cool Tool, you gotta be a fool!" -- Lee Christmas (Jason Statham)
It´s not over until it´s over. -- Rocky (Sylvester Stallone)
The Old Ways are dying and Respect must be taught. The Tuition will be blood in the dirt.
And I ask you, what, exactly, does it mean to be an “Expendable”?
It means to be superfluous. Spare. Unnecessary. Futile.
And what do you do with something useless?
You dispose of it.
Kill First
Currently Offline