The humanator :-P
New Zealand
Even though its old I still I like playing this game but I HATE THE HACKERS! - Hacks Ive seen -AIMBOT, WALLING,ARMOR, SPEED MOVEMENT , SPAWNING ,LAG HACK , & here they are- service , fuz awaken, victor vitale- aka Frogman 808 now hand of creed and has changed again, , danielsan, major tom,,Logun,dale,zeightsix,♥♥♥♥♥ muachi,lax1818 , truth,Killshotz,tacojake, Chako,Enderman,Mr Keaton ,K.Money,Cherry Nuts , star zilla, Ghost, (CUBA )Willow Hernandez ,True Will!!! Ravenwald ,& Harry Balzout, daze vu, im, Pixel, Ultra great crab and link of king to name a few who cheat.
Here's some recent ones
Kobanzameiii, (SUK) LIT , Sean, ???,Recruit ♥♥♥, Bwunt ,ONI, LBW USA Wang,AH Leute,Vlassacre, snipa ,KAYshell ,Capt Slow. console player ,Mike, Sam 95 ,JEFE & his mate Vardeck Crom ,Byronium 99 AND one of the worst Ive seen in all the time ive been playing ,Big Time snusser -43-1 Ardennes full feild and 43-3 Valkyrie also full field -a truly obnoxious individual and on the mic potty mouth all the way thru the games .And heres the BIGGEST score ive seen so far - 44-2 St Marie Du Mont by a hack called (CBB) Speed. Oh and dont forget MC Lou Tha Killah pommy hacker
Call them out, troll them and report them at every opportunity and make them leave your game.Be persistent & a nuisance. Get in their faces and get others to do the same . There are more straight players than hackers. Hackers want the attention & usually have huge egos so can be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if you find their weakness- and IT WILL be there . And if they wont leave then you leave and hopefully get into a good lobby,Or just come back later. Make some friends online who don't hack and try to get them into your lobby to up the numbers and keep the hacks out. Or do your own lobbies elsewhere if hackers are about.Hackers are a holes and will change their nom de plume or turn their hacks off & show low scores to fool you .Lately one of them has been taking another players nom de plume and hacking to make them look bad. What a ♥♥♥♥. Or they hack then leave before the end of the game but come back in at the start or during the next one so you cant report them .Don't be fooled. Check their profile and the comments from other players. Most are quick to deny they are hacking but its easy to spot. Some will show VAC Bans and /or game bans so that's a good indicator ,- once a cheat always a cheat &if they have ♥♥♥♥ ping, a low death score and a high kill score in your game say over 20 + or if they kill you quick from a distance, or move quicker than normal or appear all over the map and behind you a lot , or just dont die when shot to ♥♥♥♥ in one on one contact where you obviously did shoot first but still die & the games lagging badly they are bound to be hacking. Games that lag badly always have hackers playing.Of course they always deny they are hacking when called out .Be persistent . Only by collectively harassing them so they cant do what they want & the game is then an unpleasant place for them to be in, will the game clean up for everyone. You need to play the mind game.They are narcissists who have low self esteem & have to be in control and win as its all about them so get inside their heads and piss them off. The correct way to report them is to send an email to:

State the time, date and game and what happened. Get their nom de plume correct. Some have these set these up to make it difficult to record and they change them regularly . See their profile. So hit the block comms tool button on their profile that way you'll know its a hacker when they show up next time with a new name .Even better show a screen vid .This works as Ive noticed Danielsan and a couple of other hackers I used to run into are now absent- wonder why?, .Haha good job.
And if your'e a hacker and you've read this do us all a big favour - find a nice high cliff and just jump off

♥♥♥ you all
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