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Recente recensies door Turbo164

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6,089.1 uur in totaal (4,772.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
[original review deleted]

Edit: June 17 2023 added a new slot machine that costs real life dollars instead of the premium currency we've spent the last few years earning ingame. Each pull costs about $3, with a less than 1% chance of roughly QUINTUPLING the power of your account. Unless these numbers change soon, I cannot ethically support this dev any longer.

Edit: June 30 2023 added a $500 pity timer (or 8+ years for F2P players), the dev's intentions are clear.
Geplaatst 11 februari 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 30 juni 2023.
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2,329.6 uur in totaal (1,718.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Don't play the 3.19 patch.

Or 3.20.

Or 3.21.

Now that Diablo 4 is out, SURELY they'll have a good patch again to welcome everyone back from that debacle?

Don't play the 3.22 patch.
Geplaatst 15 september 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 20 augustus 2023.
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101.3 uur in totaal (71.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Sufficient graphics, great music, interesting story, satisfying gameplay loop.
Geplaatst 21 april 2021.
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318.7 uur in totaal (295.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Very solid ARPG. Scratches the Diablo itch with some fresh ideas, good mod support, good QOL features. 36 Class combos with tons of build possibilities.
Geplaatst 4 maart 2021.
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111.9 uur in totaal (39.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
(gifted from friend)

Conditional Yes.

+Graphics look great, don't mind the low poly
+Building pretty cool. Mechanically I enjoyed Eco house construction more, aesthetically you can make some bad arse looking mead halls and wizard towers and stuff here.
+Combat vs most enemies is satisfying

-Incredibly low inventory size for single player. If you have a friend to carry dead animals while you carry dead trees and another friend carries dead rocks, looting feels fine. If you're trying to carry everything yourself, carts get stuck in invisible ditches all the time and killing rare monsters elicits a sigh of "how do I carry this junk" rather than "woohoo treasure!"
-Wearing pants REMOVES POCKETS rather than adding them.
-Carrying 100 pounds of wood (enough wood to build 645 square feet of Rafts) takes up the same inventory space as 0.1 pounds of BLUEBERRIES.
-Seriously, just feels awful trying to play solo. I know some people have put hundreds of hours into single player, but well, reviews are subjective. If you're the kind of player that enjoys wearing pants and carrying food and crafting ingredients at the same time, make sure you play multiplayer. If you're a player that doesn't mind deleting stuff several times a minute (by which I mean dropping things in the wilderness which lags the server until enough time passes that the game deletes it automatically since you can't do it manually), do whatever.

+You can cheese some of the inventory issues by creating a second server. Any time your pockets fill up, just logout, put loot in chest on second server, switch back, walk back to base, switch, pickup, switch, dropoff. Because that's fun.
Geplaatst 23 februari 2021.
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117.6 uur in totaal
The gemcraft series has always been pretty solid, and this has improved on its ancestors.
Geplaatst 25 november 2020.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
127.9 uur in totaal (123.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Easily my favorite game of the past 5 years. Deep gameplay, amazing art, music, and voicework.
Geplaatst 20 november 2020.
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422.1 uur in totaal (389.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
My favorite of the emerging Autochess genre. Good mix of strategy and managing rng, solid UI, multiple formats add variety.
Geplaatst 7 juni 2020.
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122.2 uur in totaal (53.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Could be good in the future, not ready for release yet. [Edits for 1.07 patch]

The skill tree is interesting, combat feels pretty good overall, graphics are great, story is better than Diablo 3 (a trait shared with many other games, such as Ms. Pacman).

Servers were very rocky at launch, improved quite a bit in just a few days, so that's promising.

But, the bugs. Four years of early access, and we still have:

*At least 2 skills that accidentally do about 10 times the damage they should [fixed]
*Dozens of skills that do nothing whatsoever, but cost thousands of gold to respec into something that does. [about 12 fixed, 40+ still do nothing]
*Some skills that DECREASE your damage, and similarly cost thousands of gold to respec into something that doesn't.
*Inventories that delete themselves
*Stash pages that delete themselves [supposedly fixed now]
*Quests that delete themselves [supposedly fixed now]
*Skill points that delete themselves [supposedly fixed now]
*Transmog unlocks that delete themselves [chance reduced, still possible]
*Characters that delete themselves [supposedly fixed now]
*Walking through a door gave a stacking bonus to loot drops until you logged out. (This one was fixed)
*Splitting a stack of gems gives a stacking bonus to gem sale price until you press Escape. (This one supposedly will be fixed this week, with "action taken" against accounts that "took advantage of it") [the "action taken" is that online AND OFFLINE modes both randomly delete 90% of your gold if they think you have too much for your level. Some people duped 2 million and kept it. Some people grinded dungeons for 3 hours to get 800,000 and were reduced to 80,000. Some ingame upgrades cost 1,000,000.]
*The tutorial cinematic, and one of the post-game cinematics, has T-Posing characters.
*Blank tooltips
*Typos everywhere (at least one slated to be fixed this week, in patchnotes that had at least 2 typos itself).
*You can't sell items if your mouse cursor is moving. Or sometimes, standing still.
*You can't trade if your inventory is open. Or sometimes, closed.
[new in 1.07: earning Rage too quickly will sometimes disable all of your Rage Transfer Speed gear for a few minutes. Dungeons sometimes fail to spawn enough enemies to unlock the boss.]

Assuming enough people don't get refunds, they'll hopefully be able to afford some employees to fix these issues in the next few months. Check back then. This certainly has the potential to be a great game, they just released before they tested anything.
Geplaatst 17 februari 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 2 maart 2020.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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