Kung FU g R.I.P
Brian K   Huntington Beach, California, United States
Come git Some fU

Admin Sl4sl3d GG Server

Builder Of the I.S.S Space Station
Hobbies - Golfing / Scuba / Surfin / Sex / Gun Game /Smokin Purp and eating at Tommy's Hamburger or In N Out not in any particular order all are good in Moderation

Blackpantha ! #FULL 9 มี.ค. 2015 @ 11: 18pm 
now look at yu

Currently Offline
Last Online: 1464 days ago
Blackpantha ! #FULL 9 มี.ค. 2015 @ 11: 17pm 
LOl bro jus seen message yeah bro I was off for 6 yrs now im baxk
Kung FU g R.I.P 4 ก.พ. 2011 @ 10: 37pm 
Thanks Bros .... Stoned on Purps mang.... sweetness uh sup? Check out mY group and add another K00l W33d G@m3rs site to add to your Collage of Groups lol lates ...... Uh Hell Ya 64 bit Pr0c=ssor kills 32 just put 64 bit 7 ultimate on ,,,, and its smokin quadcore status by 2.5 on the CPU Score over 32 Nice! LMAO chexk out OUR Group = " Dr1nk1n B33r Sm0k1n W33D (DBSW) "
ŤШįŜŦEĐ 15 ส.ค. 2010 @ 9: 09am 
thanks 4 the new pic
ŤШįŜŦEĐ 27 ก.ค. 2010 @ 9: 42pm 
ya i want him to win if my boys cant it my painlaws fav
phr34k 1 พ.ค. 2010 @ 9: 12am 
I'd dig a vape...never tried one, but look forward to it one day!