Harken XXI
Brent   Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Add me as a friend without hesitation if you wish to chat or have any questions whatsoever! :)

I'm slowly getting back to the business of living life again folks! Thanks for all the support! :) Myself, along with several others, have started the process of founding a Thinktank/Braintrust and an Independent Interactive Media studio (And perhaps an ajoining A/V Studio, budget depending), specifically for independant IP's and developers that for whatever reason, have not been able to come to complete fruition, or their timelines alone are counted in years and not months. If you happen to be a lone developer looking for a fresh and talented team and state of the art resources, feel free to get in touch with me personally. We're looking for braaaaaiiiinnnnsssss!!!!

There are far too many games and programs that show such promise, but never fulfill a fraction of their goals. We feel that this cheapens the Independent Community and it's uber creative talents, and have a goal to try and prevent this from happening in order to be able to compete and be taken seriously by large AAA studios STILL opperating in the 20th century. We wish to facilitate this change of quality in order to make a proper dent in the market, where Independently produced and designed IP's are followed through, and supported properly through their lifecycle of which we have all seen a change; that a decently supported program can provide livelyhoods from between 5-10 years if handled properly while sticking without waver to the 'Unspoken Rules' of the Independent Community.

Brent 'Bear' de Smit (Harken)

"As I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am at 50,000 feet and climbing."

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