Monty Maus   Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia
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12.7 Hours played
Let's get the important thing out of the way first. I love the original and would I recommend this game as a remake? Yes. Yes I would.

The play style is challenging and rewarding in its own way, just as the original was. It's not as fast paced as the original, but that's ok because the graphical improvements and mechanics match so overall you get a very similar feel playing it.

The character mechanics implememnted match the original feel of what you'd expect, and they've done it seamlessly in this new visage. Each of the different classes now even feel more specialized and unique than they used to, which isn't hard considering the advances made in technology, but it truly holds the Gauntlet Essence.

This is not going to be a "This game is perfect, buy it" review though, far from it. There are some key elements that are missing that draw from the overall appeal of the game.

Firstly, is how linear the levels are. I know, how can a dungeon crawler not be linear? The original Gauntlet did it. Even in something as simple as finding the right path through all the locked doors and getting the most from the environment was a challenge. Go through the wrong door and you're stuck, start again. There is not that element of trapping yourself here. You might find 3 or four rooms the entire game that you won't have the keys to open, but you can't really trap yourself on a level. It throuws you essentially down a corridor. Follow it, and you'll beat the level. Very, VERY basic.

Secondly is the distinct lack of playable areas. There are 3 dungeons, broken into 4 parts. 3 of the 4 parts have three levels. An introductory level, the dungeon specific special level, and a survival level. The fourth stage is a boss fight. That is it. As every dungeon takes less than an hour to defeat on hard, one would argue quite validly that this game is not worth more than $5. There's less than 4 hours of gameplay here, you aren't going to find any more secrets, ways to beat it, or in fact HOW to beat it by playing the game more, only Unlocking a more powerful and well dressed character. The same tedious ... i've forgotten the word so I'll just use nonsense, that every MMORPG has for their endgame. GIMMICK! That's the word. Gimmick.

With that last point in mind, with the clothing at least, there are not alot of options. Sure, you can play through the game at a harder level, and unlock ONE more equipment set, but it doesn't effect the damage you take, the damage you do, or anything more than cosmentic. And the variety of cosmetic appearances aren't that great. On that note, it needs ALOT more depth since they decided to implement it, they might as well make it worthwhile.

As for the character strength unlocks, they're just do this X amount of times. Some of the unlocks are just stupid as well. Instead of a crown dropper achievement, how about a crown wearer achievement? Something that rewards you for being good, not something that rewards you for being stupid.

I know all those negatives scream, "how can you recommend this game after all that negativity?" Simple. I never beat the original Gauntlet. I loved it to death. I played it for years. I could never beat it. This, I beat in an afternoon and not on Easy. I can now finally say "I've beaten Gauntlet!" MUAHAHAHAHA and I think there's alot of people who would like to say the same and might even be why they made it in the first place...

Ideally this game is suited for someone who wants to play it for 20 minutes to an hour at a time, then move on to something else. It desperately needs more dungeons with more levels and more challenging levels. It needs something else cosmetically whether it be a boon or just sheer volume for those elitists out there, and it needs more depth within it as a whole. But if you're only looking at playing for an hour with friends or by yourself then go onto something else, it is a hell of alot of fun :)

But, if you're looking for a game that's all that and more, this isn't it. It feels like they've spent 90% of production getting the character concepts right, getting the gameplay down, and then realized they have a week left and threw the rest of the game together. another 6 months before release and this could have been brilliant, but three months after release all they've done is make a new character that costs $5 and implement another gimmicky online mode for some capes... Hopefully soon we'll see some good dungeons come after them.

I've just realized that I can't recommend it, so I've changed it. I really apprectiate and commend getting the original feel of gauntlet as far as the way it plays and characters right, but everything else is just so cheap and rushed I can't condone it. It's still really REALLY fun for 20 minutes to an hour though, the rest is just gimmicky.