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Rainbow Dash -- Diary Journal Entry Feb 13 002 RoL
It’s almost Hearts and Hooves day.
Hearts and Hooves…
I just want….I want… ugh. I don’t know!
Rarity <3 Fluttershy. They’ve been together for what, five months now? Now they’re together. Really together. I don’t know how it happened. One spa visit and now they’ve married. I mean, who does that? Instant love my flank.
But…I’m happy for them. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, they’re a cute pair, but I still can’t see how it all happened. They still hang out, and that’s cool.
Twilight <3 Pinkie Pie. It’s a thing just waiting to happen. I see their hidden smiles, their winks. They know it. We know it. If only they’d just tell us. I’m all for action, but this drama horseapples? Not cool.
I know they’ll be happy, and of all the ponies to tell, it should be us. Now.
But. Hearts and Hooves day. I know I’ll sound like a hippo… hypocri…whatever. But I just can’t stand to tell her.
I know. Rarity and Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie Pie, right? They expect it. No, they know it. All this marefriending of their own, and all they can do is expect it. But I can’t tell her what I want to tell her. Every time, I see that look. Same with Twi and Pinks, the winks, the glances, that wave of her plot. I know. She wants the Rainbow and the Dash. Because I’m awesome, I mean, who doesn’t want a piece of Dash?
Still. Why… Why is it so hard? Why can’t I tell her? Why can’t I just go, you know, walk up, say hi, and tell her?
Everypony wants us to come together. Even Lyra. Even Whooves, Even that cider swiping Berry.
Everypony would be happy. They’d be happy for us. Not me, not her. Us.
Everypony would notice us… and forget me…
But… I can’t tell her. Even now, so close to that day, Hearts and Hooves day. Even when any minute I expect her to come by.
I can’t tell Rarity. I can’t tell Fluttershy, I can’t tell Twilight, I can’t tell Pinkie. I just can’t. But they’d be cool, right? They’re my closest friends, they’d understand. They’d help me. Right?
And Applejack. Especially Applejack
Because she, of all ponies, is the one who deserves to know, however much it will hurt.

But… I’m scared. NO. Rainbow Dash isn’t afraid of anything…
Anything except…
I don’t know! I don’t know what to do, how to tell her, how to let her know!
I…I… fine.


Rainbow Dash. I like stallions.
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