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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 9.5 saat
I started playing this game with no expectations at all. I can't remember buying it, or receiving it as a gift. But in the spring cleaning steam event it was one of the games eligible to get me one of those trophies, and i liked the look of it and installed.

That was a good decision.
I really like this game. It reminds me a little of Bastion on a few aspects.

There is a lot to like about this game, the art style is awesome, the graphics are good (although it could use some more optimization) the combat is quick and flows well. But the main treat, as the name of the game suggests, it's the story.
The game works on rather short loops where you are presented with choices, with each choice you alter which ending you're going to get, you then learn something from that ending and is sent back to the begining with some new, or at least more informed, choices. I still haven't rached every ending, but unless you want too, it's not needed.
You'll need to get at least 4 different endings to find out the 4 'truths' and then you can take the path to the 'real' ending... or the game is hiding something for me that i haven't found out yet, but that i can't say for sure.
Oh, i almost forgot, the characters are cool and have some nice dialogs, and the narration is funny and self-awere which i found charming.

But not everything is good, since you have to replay it several times, you end up going through the same stages multiple times. While there are alternative paths you can take as you unlock new swords, in the end i felt that it was getting a little repetitve.
The same goes for enemies variety, there are 6 (if i'm not forgetting anything) kind of enemies, and that's all for all the game. The amound and combination they apear on shake things up a little, and the combat is still very enjoyable, but more variety would have made it even better.

I really do recommend the game, it was a nice surprise for me and i still intent on spending a few more ours in to get the rest of the achievments and other endings. If you like action rpgs and seing how your choices directly change the story of the game, i think you'll have a wonderfull time with this, just like i did.
Yayınlanma 2 Haziran 2018.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 3.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.9 saat)
i just finished my first run through the story and i'm in awe.
Everything is beautiful in this game, the characters, the environment, the way the story unfolds and the way the game is presented. EVERY. THING. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
And way i say beautiful i don't mean "pretty", as there are a few technical issues from time to time, specially graphic (well, that's what i had, the game didn't crash, freeze or bug in any relevant way, just a few graphical glitches here and there), but rather if you let that get in the way of the experience you will have with this game... well, your loss.

The only downside i see is that the game is really short. This is not a problem in itself, i would rather replay this 26 times than play some "long" games out there, but left me wishing for more and i was just sad there was no more game for me to explore.

That is it, if you haven't already stop what you are doing and go buy and play this game! As for me, i'll try to figure out what i have to do in order to get the last remaining achievements.
Yayınlanma 29 Mayıs 2015. Son düzenlenme 29 Mayıs 2015.
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30 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 3.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.2 saat)
Fast paced, hard and addictive like any shoot'em up should be, but with an welcome fantasy theme over the usual space-battle-sci-fi-furutistic-neon.
There are six diferent playable phoenix, each with an unique ability to help you in the battle againts the sea of bullets the bosses are going to send your way.

Great addictive and fast gameplay, nice visuals and powerfull soundtrack are certain to give you a good dose of chalange and an overdose of fun.
Yayınlanma 13 Kasım 2014.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 6.4 saat
Fells like i'm playing an 8-bit Tarantino movie.
Yayınlanma 1 Temmuz 2014.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 10.2 saat
I really like the Max Payne franchise, i've played the first game quite a few times and always had a blast with it. I've played the second one too, and i liked it, but i can't say i remember much about it.

And then there's this game. I've been wanting to play it for sometime now and the price was perfect, so i went for it, and i'm really happy i did. Everthing i liked about Max Payne games is in this game, and there is a lot of things that recieved some sort of upgrade. I like the way Max tells the story, the noir feeling of his narration and his pessimis about himself.
I liked the game story and the gameplay is spectacullar. If anything i though the weapon wheel was a little bit confusing (i've dropped my two handed weapon quite a few times and ended up dying for it) becouse for me it was not clear when the weapon was selected.

A few diferent mechanics would have been a nice, refreshing adition tp the game. It is not too long but by the end it was dragging a little bit for me becouse the gameplay is very simple, you shot people in the face while slowmotion-ing, wich is nice and the essence of Max Payne, but a little plataforming or maybe a puzzle would be a nice change of pace from going from room to room shooting everyone that showed up and going to the next room.

Something else i love are the little scripted sequences where you do something crazy-awesome while shooting people up and the achievements you get for killing everyone in these sequences.

All in all i love the game, the story, the gameplay, the slow-mo shooting and Max. I give it a 8 out of 10. The lack of a few different mechanics now and then keeping the 10 that it could've had, but really, go play this game!
Yayınlanma 29 Haziran 2014.
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