Laser Cat
Cr8on   Greenville, Mississippi, United States
"Those who want peace, let them then prepare for war." - Vegetius
"Not all who wander are lost." - Gandalf
현재 오프라인
스크린샷 전시대
i think shes done.
동영상 전시대
When the beat drops
Laser Cat 2018년 10월 10일 오전 9시 45분 
maple story 2 isnt trending among friends... :singleedge::shadeknight:`'~-.,_,.-~'`\:zote:
Laser Cat 2018년 1월 2일 오후 3시 15분 
Laser Cat 2017년 4월 3일 오후 9시 20분 
all my friends already own this game. free game to whoever claims it first. lol.
Laser Cat 2015년 11월 10일 오후 4시 04분 
changed my featured list to my favorite games on steam. the transistor background is one of them, and so is strider. sadly, can only showcase my main and 4 others.... hey steam, *point* need more bag space fyi.
Laser Cat 2015년 7월 22일 오후 4시 18분 
Dex and Reign of Kings removed from the list of shameful games that havent delivered a final product. they delivered, mostly.... so, DOUBLE the long dark, kentucky route zero, still no single player campaign and kentucky route zero still no act 4 and 5 after i dont even know how long..... DOUBLE shameful.