
SteelNLead の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:132.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:83.1時間)
So Bungie gets rid of old content that we all paid for and forces to buy an overpriced expansion? Why would anyone let them get away with it and give them more money? This company has never cared about the player base, only about how much money you'll sink into the game.
投稿日 2021年8月22日.
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13 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
I purchased this game because it was called "Star Control" I was a fan of the game way back as a kid when I played the remastered version "The Ur-Quan masters" which was much better. Sadly I'm a bit dissapointed, the game does have the same feel as original but didn't learn anything to make it better.

First of all the collecting of resources is repetative and boring as can be, it's a massive amount of time wasted doing something you will absolutely hate , I don't see how this was even implemented. Even the original was better because it took less time! It's actually hard to get past this part of the game because you will be doing it a lot.

The story itself is just "ok" it takes elements of the original story and writes it up with new species it's a very very poor copy paste and not nearly as engaging as the original.

Now the combat is still the same style it's very arcade like and you must get to know your ships and their abilities which is easy cause you can do battle mods. They've added a few new twists to the combat so I'd have to say this is an improvement of the original.

The game didn't take long to clear you have no drive to search every system just because it's not exciting at all, the ships you can buy suck you'll only be using the lexcite one cause it's just the best.

All in all it isn't a bad game but honestly I wouldn't pay over $20 for it, for a similar experience and a amazing storyline I'd just pick up the remastered original for free if you haven't already played a star control game.

You can dowload Ur Quan Masters here http://sc2.sourceforge.net/downloads.php

Sorry Star Control Origins but I was expecting a game made 20 years later to be much much better, you've had a lot of examples to learn from but I'm afraid you didn't.
投稿日 2018年9月27日. 最終更新日 2022年6月2日
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総プレイ時間:3,827.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2,435.7時間)
I bought this game when it came out in 2014 and I'd say I got my entertainment value but not my expectations. Four years later the development still drags ( 1-2 patches a year) and the development team have no clear agenda of what direction to take the game, they keep changing the same mechanics over and over and cancel things they were going to implement only to put in something little instead.

This game's plan was not organised at all and I feel anyone that purchases the game in it's current form would just be disappointing within a month because like the rest of us they would prefer a completed game that you know exactly what your getting.

If anything negative is posted on their forums they take it down luckily steam offers real reviews. If it goes on sale for around $10 I'd say worthwhile otherwise see if anything comes out of the project actually being completed.

-Base building requires thought (supports hold so much weight)
- Enviromental graphics are great for this type of game
-Crafting system is well implemented
- Zombies are always fun to kill!
- Good multiplayer if you can find a good group of people

- Cities have gotten much smaller since 16.1 patch not as fun
- Extremely slow development (one of the worst)
- Many things that were to be implemented already have been pulled and no word on future implementation
- Devs don't communicated with community at all decided best not to ? so customer service is garbage.
- Once your a higher level the game is no longer challenging

Update 2020 02 12: Development is still horrible it's like they've moved on to another project or given up, maybe the game will be done by 2030.
投稿日 2018年8月21日. 最終更新日 5月14日
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