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기록상 3.6시간
Enjoyment out of Her Story increases with your willingness to immerse yourself in not only the story, but the game mechanics themselves. The story of Her Story only works if the actress is believable and the acceptance of your mysterious blonde identity plugging away at an outdated computer. Viva Seifert is astounding and I tried my very best to uncover all that I could about her life. Accepting and utilizing the search function as best as possible is its own obstacle. The challenge is player created as there is no end game. Search terms come five at a time from keywords the actress uses or your own guesses and interests in her life.

My time with Her Story was extremely enjoyable until I hit a wall in my leads, searches, and patience. I used the game-given option to leave satisfied and the credits rolled. Afterwards, I went for all achievements and quickly quit the game. As I said, the second that you remove yourself from the story and play this as a game to complete to the end, it loses all interest and the remaining clips become an achievement trudge. Even though I hit a wall, I have to recommend this for how interesting and memorable this brief FMV clip searcher and watcher is. Whatever you put into Her Story, it will give back double.
2015년 7월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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