ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 23 dec 2022 om 14:51 
<<SEN>> Ohosh 23 dec 2022 om 13:41 
Get your eye patch out, I'll bring my peg leg... We shall sail again!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 25 dec 2014 om 15:18 
Happy Hanukkah
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 11 mrt 2014 om 15:51 
how are you buddy? long time, this girl misses you! :ghsmile::trolol:
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 20 sep 2013 om 20:55 
might be JOE CAMEL?:D:
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 20 sep 2013 om 20:54 
VERY PROFOUND! :golden::roar:
mithril 20 sep 2013 om 20:11 
I'm told it is, in fact, a sheep. Baaaahhhh to the whole affair . . although those sunglasses .. . masking the eyes . . . ggrrrwwlll . . . baaahhh
mithril 16 sep 2013 om 22:02 
a . . giraffe?
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 16 sep 2013 om 21:55 
_§§§$$$$$§§§s__██▀▀▀▀▄▄@@§§§§§§§ §@@
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________________§§§█████▀§@@@@█OOOOOOO █
_________@O@O@OOOOOO██▄BBBBBB........BAAHH !...:whitesheep:...LOL.:D:
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 14 sep 2013 om 11:02 
":galley:" !
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 30 aug 2013 om 21:04 
YA SEXY !.....:happymeat:
<<SEN>> Ohosh 30 aug 2013 om 19:27 
By the way chicks dig scars, tell her you got in a knife fight with some terrorists!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 30 aug 2013 om 19:26 
Scotty told me this story interestingly enough...
Hagen von Tronje 15 aug 2013 om 14:54 
Hi Mithril!
Only just saw your message - have been mostly offline myself these last few weeks. Anyway, just want to wish you a full and speedy recovery. Had noted your absence, of course, and had been wondering. Good to know the story and that things are on the mend. Take care of yourself!
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 13 aug 2013 om 22:46 
12 volt?......:happymeat:
mithril 13 aug 2013 om 21:41 
Yes, but unlike yours, my bolts are stuck on the sides :D
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 9 aug 2013 om 22:11 
question? do you have bolts sticking out of your neck too ? I do........
mithril 9 aug 2013 om 21:38 
I had what is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is bleeding into the subarachnoid space (the area between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater surrounding the brain). This was caused by a spontaneous ruptured cerebral aneurysm. I have what will be an interesting Frankenstein scar
mithril 5 aug 2013 om 11:59 
Had a bit of a brain aneurysm. I was the scene from Scanners. Recovering nicely now, but have a really bad headache.
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 4 jul 2013 om 20:59 
whos watering the cats ? while your away?
<<SEN>> Ohosh 2 jul 2013 om 15:38 
You and Wadmore elope?
<<SEN>> Ohosh 12 jun 2013 om 22:06 
Ok 3 times now 8000 pts
<<SEN>> Ohosh 11 jun 2013 om 7:24 
Again twice in one week, 5000+ pts and 2 stars
<<SEN>> Ohosh 6 jun 2013 om 20:38 
Steam got me other night 3000pts and star. No longer angry lol. Hasn't happened in a while glad it is out of way now lol.
mithril 2 jun 2013 om 22:30 
another day, another Steam glitch and I lost 3500 points. If I had all the points i've lost over the years, I would have over 95,000 points.
mithril 31 mei 2013 om 22:46 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stars are so emphemeral, I lose two out of twenty battles, and it costs me over a thousand points. When I win, I only get between 50 and 70 points . . that is a killer ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ratio. As long as I am whining, what did Steam do adding this new ability to go from double green to white flag in two broadsides. SUre it might happen in RL, but never once in every ten or less battles.
mithril 27 mei 2013 om 18:13 
What I said, was, "toe to toe" . Up close the inaccuracy of the 122 no longer comes into play
<<SEN>> Ohosh 27 mei 2013 om 16:00 
But ah ha, a 106 can go up against a 122 just not in the same style as a 106 vs 106...
<<SEN>> Ohosh 27 mei 2013 om 9:07 
waiting to sail, fire big guns, and sink ♥♥♥♥
mithril 25 mei 2013 om 14:36 
hubris, I lost my first battle in almost 30 battles today, to a 3 star (minus 815 points to me). He sailed well, I had a Brit 106, him a French 122. Funds on small. He got in close . . . and I always tell people, "a 106 cannot go toe to toe with a 122" . . that's what happened, he got in close, hulled me, and I white flagged from a sinking ship with green and orange
mithril 14 mei 2013 om 19:53 
Read "The Sea Warriors" by Richard Woodman . . . includes nearly a hundred sea battles from the late 1700s until the early 1800s, with fine details on tactics.
mithril 7 mei 2013 om 18:38 
Lt. John Pasco took the Order down, scrawling it on the little board he carried with him. He thought for a moment, mentally composing the best way to utilize Sir Home Popham's innovative flag signalling system, to quickly (and with as few hoists as possible) send aloft the little tightly wrapped flags, which, at a jerk, would come fluttering out, instantly visable in this weather from 2 miles or more.
mithril 7 mei 2013 om 18:38 
He made up his mind, and broached the subject with his Admiral, "If his lordship will permit me to substitutue 'expects' for 'confides', the signal will be soon completed, because the word 'expects' is in the vocabulary, and 'confides' must be spelt."

"That will do, Pasco, make it directly", said Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson hurriedly.
mithril 7 mei 2013 om 18:38 
As fast as the proper flags could be selected, and attached to the proper halliard, the host was as follows:
Telegraphic 'start' flag
253 (England) 269 (expects) 863 (that) 261 (every) 471 (man) 958 (will) 220 (do) 370 (his) 4 (D) 21 (U) 19 (T) 24 (Y)
mithril 28 apr 2013 om 13:17 
Bubblgum6 19 apr 2013 om 21:10 
do you make youtube videos?
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 19 mrt 2013 om 21:21 
you said phallis on tv !
mithril 19 mrt 2013 om 21:04 
Sailing the 32 gun Frigate Pallus, Cap'n Lord Thomas Cochrane ran into three French line of battle ships. The long lines of the 74s, meant that in certain winds, they would outsail a frigate or virtually any other ship of the day, such was the case here, as Cochrane found himself hard pressed.
mithril 19 mrt 2013 om 21:03 
The Pallus was already carrying more sail than was prudent, and Cochrane had additional stays sent aloft, in order to crowd on even more sail. But this failed to give him the speed he needed, and so he resorted to a different tactic.
mithril 19 mrt 2013 om 21:03 
He had his crew standing by, and at a signal, either dropped sails, or clewed them up, and he put his helm over, using Pallus way to wear ship under bare poles. The astonished French failed to react in time, and by then Cochrane was bearing away on the larboard tack, showing them a fresh set of heels.
mithril 19 mrt 2013 om 20:49 
"I do not say the French will not come, mi'lords. I only say that they cannot come by sea."
<<SEN>> slytown 8 feb 2013 om 6:06 
help! when steam stole all your points ... how did you get em back to normal? Its done the same thing to me ... except only given me back 30k ... still missing 16,000 points :(((((
<<SEN>> Ohosh 30 jan 2013 om 16:04 
You must get in murder mood again... Was fun, lol.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 27 jan 2013 om 13:04 
Hope mithril glitch does not continue...
Helmsman (Polovets) 23 dec 2012 om 3:53 
Merry Cristmas!!!
mithril 13 dec 2012 om 20:59 
Both, I would say, Ohosh, lad . . . both . . didja get a reach around?
<<SEN>> Ohosh 12 dec 2012 om 14:59 
My computer crashed hard in unranked game I hosted and I lost 3000 points! Unless it defaulted as ranked and I forgot to uncheck the box. Did I make a mistake or did Steam ♥♥♥♥ me?