' Natii
CS 1.6

MiBR.Girls - natii, santininha, Lua, caH, Cissa
Fg. Girls - natii, showliana, lOkinhA, Nath, Laya
FG.Girls - natii, showliana, shAy, gau, tatay
Fleur - natii, santininha, Cissa, Nah:), caH
influx,girls - natii, nathie, deia, anj, pr1
ultraviolent - natii, bizinha, vascaina, may, heloahvox

-console -limitvconst -high +mat_queue_mode 2 -freq 240 -refresh 240 +cl_forcepreload 1 -nod3d9ex -nojoy -noforcemaccel -usenoforcedmparms -novid -tickrate 128 +exec natii

-allow_third_party_software -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -novid -freq 240 -refresh 240 -tickrate 128 -console -high +exec natii
7 2
leoMONSTER_ 1 พ.ย. @ 7: 20pm 
assina s2
gamarjoba kawasaki 30 ต.ค. @ 12: 02pm 
hola, interested in your g3sg1 dream glade, add me for discuss, be kindm tyty <33
Lara Croft 11 ก.ย. @ 9: 24am 
✅➕REP from RUSSIA➕✅ I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3
Celhala 25 ส.ค. @ 11: 19am 
+rep plays with heart
ᄅᄅ𝘃𝗧𝗺ᄅᄅ 16 ก.ค. @ 5: 39am 
Assina pf
nOgS 26 มิ.ย. @ 2: 10pm 
jogamos ontem add ai