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投稿日: 2024年1月24日 17時23分
更新日: 2024年2月10日 15時49分

Great game. Really like the movement and mechanics. I like the off-line modes and challenges best. On-line is laggy as heck.

Takes a bit of practice to get the aiming with the weapons right, best done with mouse or in my case track ball and movement with wasd keys. Aiming with controller analogue stick is horrible. Switch analogue stick to dpad which works better, although dpad has only 4 directions for aim.

A good tactic to help you to win, is wait for other players to attack you and just defend. Even just running away from them with no weapon often works. Many times other players get carried away and end up accidentally killing themselves.

Online kind of a dead game for someone from New Zealand or Australia. Can find games on other countries servers but ping gets so high that it's not much fun as control isn't very responsive and very laggy. So basically for me on-line play is out of the question and just plain frustrating.

Adding to this review as of 11th February 2024 - Recently the Dev's released the Honeycomb update. This introduced cross-platform play and game optimisation for online. Since this update, online play has been excellent. Managed to get quite a few games on Australian server and play was very fluid and no lag at all. Cross-play has expanded the player base that can be in the same game, which is great. Have yet to try online play on other countries servers after this update but are optimistic. Congratulation to the development team, you've made me very happy. This is a really awesome game.
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