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Recent reviews by TheRedDaikon

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2,120.1 hrs on record
I played for years. Early tiers a fun but it quick becomes a grind. The community is toxic. The progression is cancer. And the Russian bias is painfully obvious. All F2P games have to make money somehow. But this one is one of the worst short of literal scam games or purely mobile games. Even throwing money at the problem doesn't really fix the issue. The dev squashes legitimate criticism on their official forums. So the only places you get real discussion is in independent communities. But Gaijin just ignores those. The game is full of long standing bugs that have never been addressed or were claimed to have been addressed but weren't or returned one patch later. Instead of fixing these, they just release more and more premium (paid for) vehicles. At launch they are almost always over powered and broken. Which gets the whales to buy them in a rush and turn the meta into the haves versus have nots. Until the next patch in which Gajin will always nerf that same vehicle into being noncompetitive so you have to buy the new hype beast meta. If you want to shoot down other planes just get into DCS.
Posted 20 May, 2023.
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