Fight me @ LAN   Los Angeles, California, United States
extremely toxic all game, made physical threats against me and my friend im honestly scared to go to bed tonight because of the trauma that this child has caused me and my gaming squad. He is beyond toxic and help. I've never actually written one of these out if that tells you anything about this psychopath's character. Please volvo, this is a man on a mission that has to be to stopped at all costs. Please perminantly erradicate this man's prfoile from the steam data base. After the game, he added me to his friends list to continue to threaten and harass me. Please this is really scaring me. I've literally written a 5 paragraph essay about why this man should be deleted from the steam databases and should never be allowed to touch a steam related video game again.
WALL OF SHAME: Lost in casual then got lobby kicked by me and his friends 🤣🤣🤣
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EHOT 10 月 29 日 上午 11:08 
extremely toxic all game, made physical threats against me and my friend im honestly scared to go to bed tonight because of the trauma that this child has caused me and my gaming squad. He is beyond toxic and help. I've never actually written one of these out if that tells you anything about this psychopath's character. Please volvo, this is a man on a mission that has to be to stopped at all costs. Please perminantly erradicate this man's prfoile from the steam data base. After the game, he added me to his friends list to continue to threaten and harass me. Please this is really scaring me. I've literally written a 5 paragraph essay about why this man should be deleted from the steam databases and should never be allowed to touch a steam related video game again.
76561199562867398 10 月 19 日 上午 1:12 
seee_jay 10 月 18 日 下午 2:41 
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Zelements 10 月 17 日 上午 9:39 
-Rep Efter ett bra lir i cs:go, addade jag honom eftersom han verkade vara en cool snubbe. Vi började chatta med varandra och efter ett par månader blev vi riktigt goda vänner. Många trevliga samtal, massor av bra CS matcher och framför allt utvecklade vi en nära vänskap.
Jag bjöd in honom till ett csgo-lan hemma hos mig. Han tackade ja och jag såg fram emot att han skulle komma. När han dök upp, tryckte han upp mig mot väggen och började nafsa mig i örat, jag kände hans styva kuk mot mitt lår. Jag slog honom på käften och kastade ut han. Det visade sig att han var ryss. Skum snubbe, lita inte på honom
OPERATOR 10 月 17 日 上午 8:13 
TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT 10 月 14 日 下午 11:50 
i hate black people