JL   Ostrava, Moravskoslezsky Kraj, Czech Republic
PLAYERSHEET [www.esl.eu]
TEAMSHEET [play.eslgaming.com]


Yes. You need to have fun. It's not about spending time ingame. Your teammates should be your friends. You must talk, have a laugh, outside, and maybe even inside game. Then, when you know you are safe in a team, without worrying about how you play, you should concentrate on your game, and on teamplay. You should look into what you can bring in the team to make the teamplay even better. Don't play for yourself, play for your team. If you are playing bad, don't make excuses. No-one in the team is probably interested in hearing them. Try to bring your ideas about improvements after pcws, not during.

Everyone in a team must have the same goal. Everyone in the team must be sure that his teammates are doing all they can. But of course, you must also train. At the beginning, you must practice harder, and the longer you play together, the less you need to play.

I've played with UN for three years, and with pR for over two. I've trained with Guardian a lot in Team Slovakia, and sneix has always been around, same goes for Bazy. We don't even practice anymore. Only before an important game like one or two games.

by PhP
Respect your opponent, you wouldn't exist without him neither

Former cs1.6 player, former CS:Source legend^^ 2006-2010, now retired gamer with CS:GO taste.
Former ESL admin for Counter Strike: Source CZE/SVK
Do not cheat, fairplay.

➤⠀A W A R D S - C S: S O U R C E
2nd place - CS:S GamePark Cup playoff (December 2009)
3rd place - CS:S 5on5 Mr15 Cup (ESL EU) Tournament Tree (December 2009)
3rd place - ESL CZ 5on5 eStar-Systems.de League Season I Groups, Playoff (May 2010)
4th place - playzone LAN tour April playoff (April 2010)
1st place - Fortune&KopecNet CSS NC 5on5 playoff (April 2010)
3rd place - PZ SteelSeries 5v5 Classic RankCup #4


Gunrunners.eu (SHARP,Smajlo,xrN,Slalik,Fetik,hPlS,) article [www.esuba.eu]
authority-gaming.cz (SHARP,Smajlo,Look,xrN,SiR) article [www.playzone.cz]
iNsenia.cz (SHARP,Smajlo,Slalik,xrN,Look)
Crew.sk (SHARP,Smajlo,Look,xrN,SiR)

➤⠀CS:GO - S E T T I N G S
Sensitivity: 0.90
DPI: 800
Res: 1280x960, 4:3


Radical Raiders clan DISCORD [discord.gg]

Nick: xaur0n#3908

➤ P⠀H⠀I⠀L⠀O⠀S⠀O⠀P H⠀Y
You need to have a fun. It's not about spending time ingame. Your teammates should be your friends. You must talk, have a laugh, outside, and maybe even inside game. Then, when you know you are safe in a team, without worrying about how you play, you should concentrate on your game, and on teamplay. You should look into what you can bring in the team to make the teamplay even better. Don't play for yourself, play for your team. If you are playing bad, don't make excuses. No-one in the team is probably interested in hearing them. Try to bring your ideas about improvements after pcws, not during.

Everyone in a team must have the same goal. Everyone in the team must be sure that his teammates are doing all they can. But of course, you must also train. At the beginning, you must practice harder, and the longer you play together, the less you need to play.

Once you have mastered your gameplay, try to focus on your team members and help them to grow up, work with each other and try to help them make their gameplay even better. Be a good menthor and sooner or later success will come.

➤ G E T - I N - T O U C H - W I T H - M E

ESL [play.eslgaming.com]dreamteam [dreamteam.gg]discord [discord.gg]
2024年12月30日 に最後にプレイ
2024年12月30日 に最後にプレイ
2024年12月5日 に最後にプレイ
realist shit I never wrote 2020年8月23日 20時25分 
add me id like to make an offer
Pandy 2019年10月21日 12時47分 
+rep, díky za poctivost, to se dnes už moc nevidí ;)
SMAJLO ☻ (ntb) 2010年10月4日 9時39分 
Jeden naj z hracov akeho som v CSS poznal a to aj osobne .
Skoda ze si skoncil prajem ty vsetko naj v RL a som velmi rad ze som takeho borca ako ty spoznal tak GL ! :)
kockot 2010年1月12日 11時51分 
Lukashhhhh 2009年7月1日 13時01分 
JE TO STRASNA SKILLA nikdy ho nevolejte na mix vyzirkaa:ddd
Lukashhhhh 2009年6月29日 8時59分 
ppc typek:d