Mason Smith   Round Rock, Texas, United States
Twitch John: I need you guys' IDs
Mitt Romney:
Twitch John: for D3
Twitch John: ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Mitt Romney: Well
Mitt Romney: Not with that attitude
Twitch John: Cut

karl Rove: wtf
karl Rove: ego has a team?
Nigel Peppercock: they have a team in everything
Nigel Peppercock: and they are always pretty bad except in TF2
Nigel Peppercock: they are alright
karl Rove: I was in ego once
karl Rove: True story
Nigel Peppercock: You're cut
Nigel Peppercock: sorry
karl Rove: Damnit
karl Rove: Okay
karl Rove: I'll cut myself
Nigel Peppercock: across the throat
Nigel Peppercock: not the wrist
Nigel Peppercock: pls

LpG.John d-_-b: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
zaLfy d-_-b: :D
LpG.John d-_-b: stop capitalizing the L
LpG.John d-_-b: it's NOT RIGHT
zaLfy d-_-b: Am I cut again?
LpG.John d-_-b: Yes
LpG.John d-_-b: would you like to join our team
zaLfy d-_-b: ....
zaLfy d-_-b: Okay.

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1:48 AM - zalfy: Noob