My name is Jeff   Roi Et, Thailand

launch ventrilo.exe
launch css
go in server

activate numlock
press 1 on the numpad (numpad_end) to activate it.
press 3 (numpad_pgdn) for aim correction
press 4 (numpad_leftarrow) for small fov aimbot with natural looking norecoil
press 2 (numpad_downarrow) to deactivate
deactivate numlock and play

to change settings
active numlock
press 2
press 1
press 3 if you were first using 4
press 4 if you were first using 3
deactivate numlock and play

*PROTIP: If you have buybinds on numpad, they also work with numlock deactivated
So buy with numlock off
and change settings with numlock on

For league use, launch it before the anticheat and it will be seen in logs etc as a ventrilo overlay