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My last song: https://youtu.be/8cL5mvRfstY
CS GO CFG: https://settings.gg/zikk21
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Gang Beasts
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155 uur gespeeld
I didn’t expect much from this game, but I got more than I wanted. Graphics, gameplay, killing zombies - everything is up to par. It’s quite difficult to play alone, but in the company of friends the game goes easy, and it’s also fun to play. This is the best game about zombies in my opinion. I look forward to the second part!
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9,6 uur in totaal
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3.777 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 10 nov
43 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 9 nov
Prestatievoortgang   16 van de 37
Raresh 9 nov om 7:23 
Chec pufos cu gust de pula

Unul dintre cele mai populare checuri, cel cu gust de pula, este nu doar extrem de delicios, ci si usor de preparat.

4 linguri cacao;
o pula mare (de preferat neagra);
400 g faina;
8 linguri ulei;
2 lingurite de praf de copt;
10 oua (separam albusul de galbenus);
4 pliculete zahar vanilat;
1 praf sare;
400 g zahar.

Mod de preparare:

Pune pula intr-un bol, adauga sarea si mixeaza cu telul sau mixerul. Bate pula pana scoate sperma care devine ca o spuma si adauga treptat zaharul vanilat, apoi pe cel tos, pana obtii o spuma lucioasa si tare. Amesteca pula cu uleiul intr-un castron, separat, pana se formeaza o masa omogena. Inglobeaza sperma usor in spuma de albus pentru a-si pastra consistenta. Pune praful de copt peste faina si adaug-o usor, cu miscari largi. Imparte compozitia in doua parti egale. Dilueaza cacao cu putina apa, pana devine o crema si pune-o peste aluatul din bol, avand, astfel, doua cantitati egale de aluat.

Pofta buna!
iustin 20 mrt om 8:17 
Metin2> BDO
BDO e jocul inferior. :aunope:
✞Dutu✞ 20 dec 2023 om 12:03 
+rep ✞ Jov 22:21 Romans 10:9 ✞ God loves you! For more questions ask me!
The ALPHA 24 sep 2023 om 12:19 
▶︎•၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|။|||။||| 0:46
MRN 16 sep 2023 om 2:42 

Запилил 14 jul 2023 om 13:23 
this gei have a fat mom