Hi! This is Chuhan!

Chuhan just wants to have some fun:steammocking: so don't tend to get competitive. I choose to play game rather than let games play me.

What I love about games? Explore a new world and walk into beautiful view, share the emotions the characters have, listen to some really background music, watch good stories developing themselves or just talk with some interesting people met during games.

Have a great time and be happy!
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Call of Cthulhu
Review Showcase
37 Hours played
I absolutely adore this game and I enjoyed every minute when exploring this Vampyr world of London.

What fascinates me most about this game is how this game portraits the protagonist Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor and newly-turned vampire, he himself is a center of the controversy. Seeing how he struggles with his blood-thirst desire and faith in curing others is really captivating. Every citizen NPC has their own stories. Everyone is flawed but also so true at the same time, which makes deciding who to embrace is impactful and not easy at all. I love this design! After finishing the game, I know everyone’s story and I had walked every street of this city, this world feels so real to me. It feels amazing!

I did notice some comments about the bad combat mechanism before starting playing this game, so I didn’t have high expectations regarding that aspect in the first place. I see this game more like a choice-based story-driven RPG rather than ARPG or something like DMC. For my personal experience, the combat mechanism is decent and interesting enough. Considering I’m not gaining exp points through embracing citizens so I didn’t level up much and have to carefully deal with every enemy, I’m guessing if playing a full-on vampire style will cause this game to be extremely easy, thus lead to the so-called boring combat.

It will be great if fast travel is provided in game, though the map is not that big for this to be a must. Well, forcing to walk on the London street in the middle of the night makes me become more familiar with the map than I need to lol. The romance feels kind of forced to me, I didn’t see the relationship developing but it just happened. It could use some additional development. It’s still much better than Twilight though.

In summary, MASTERPIECE. I know it is already a solid stand alone game, but I really need Vampyr 2. Please make it happen ASAP! :)
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Created by - ZERO330
Lgn1te^ 8 Sep, 2024 @ 11:04am 
angol 9 Apr, 2018 @ 11:15pm 
暁 れんじ 16 Feb, 2018 @ 1:30am 
 ⊂(( ^ω^)っ ))新年快乐
  /   ノ |∥
  し―-J  。
诗礼银杏 16 Feb, 2018 @ 1:12am 
⎛⎝LiKang⎠⎞ 16 Feb, 2018 @ 12:53am 
思思(过年不上线) 15 Feb, 2018 @ 11:11pm 