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juba573 24 ม.ค. @ 12: 20pm 
Zuichun 16 ม.ค. @ 11: 27am 
hi theree
Detector 12 ม.ค. @ 3: 59pm 
+rep played with u
Opizius 27 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 10: 42am 
+rep real pro
Windwind 1 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 9: 24am 
unyielding determination
aminedope 23 พ.ย. 2024 @ 7: 14am 
A Banished Competitor's Lament

There is a peculiar bitterness in being cast out from a world you once called home.
Faceit , the sacred battleground for gamers, was my arena of triumphs and defeats. Yet, in one swift decision, it became my exile .

Words That Sealed My Fate

They say words hold power ; mine sealed my fate.
Verbal abuse , they called it—a hollow judgment against the passion I poured into every match.

This Is Not Regret

This is the account of my ingratitude .
I will not thank the system that silenced me, nor applaud the platform that forgot my loyalty.

Competitor and Casualty

I was condemned, not for lack of skill, but for the intensity of my expression.

A Story of Defiance

This is not redemption but defiance
A manifesto of the misunderstood,
And perhaps, the unforgiven.