Idaho, United States
Summary? YOU want a summary? Why!? But, I'll tell you something anyway.

I can sum myself up in one word - "hasabladankadankadrugendaflakalatyrudakumbadyata" what this means, I do not know. But I can tell you that I enjoy a good game (of any type) whether it be rpg, driving, simulation, or action, I love em all! Wait, you're STILL reading? What's wrong with you? Why are you trying to learn about other people's lives? But hey, I will tell you that I do make games (not for a living mind you), but not like crazy. More of just one here and one there. They are executeables (by the way) so don't look for 'em on any games site. I am working on a game or two right now and you can check them out at my site, well, ok, I don't have a site right now but I did have a freewebs one at one point. I'm not exactly rich enough to have my own site at this point. So, if I do put up another site or bring that old one back to life I'll bring it back for those .0012 people that read this thing.
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