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936 Hours played
Everything below was what I thought previous to some new updates. They have added AI bots to the game completely ruining the game. The great thing used to be camouflage actually worked against players. Bots are able to see through thick bushes where no player ever could. The game that I knew is gone. Sorry I can no longer recommend.

(OLD) This is by far one of the best Free to play FPS of all time. As you play and rank up, more things will unlock. Your rank is also a huge determining factor for how much money you make within the game. So at first you will feel poor and cannot buy upgrades. You are NOT meant to buy EVERY single upgrade. Figure out what you like, and save for it. (Explosives cost a LOT to maintain) Patience new recruits, your salary will increase.

To those wondering: There isn't a single item/camo etc., that you cannot get purely by playing the game. No real money transaction will give you an advantage in the game. Actual money spending only allows faster experience, coins, and unlocks.

There is an extreme focus on teamwork. You will want more people on a point compared to the enemy to capture it faster, and more realiably. This game lacks voice chat as such a thing didn't 100% exist in WW2 in how we would utilize it (would also increase game resource usage). BUT you have a consistently updated map you can look at which definitely did not exist during WW2. So watch your minimap, talk and coordinate attacks to win.

The game is reasonably balanced. In close quarters combat you will want an automatic weapon, and to use your ears to figure out where and when enemies are going to appear. While sniping, you will still need to use your ears. Snipers seem strong but are rather loud. If you are at all nearby, you can hear and detect where they are. Although certain things in the game look not quite balanced to similar of the same class, it is all decently fair.

You may have read many of the reviews saying, "This game is unfair..." Blah blah blah. They are wrong. Yeah, you are using a pretty poop weapon to start. It only takes a few shots from any gun at the appropriate range to kill. Use tactics to your advantage. With just a pistol you can follow a tank, wait for them to pop out shoot them and steal the tank. Every gun is a 1 shot headshot.