favorite games: Gunstar Heroes, Puyo Puyo Tsu, Mirrors Edge and the Katamari series
cookies.dll 2.10.2019 klo 22.29 
Haha legit brain of a squirrel, too... LMAO :steamfacepalm:
rogue robots 28.11.2018 klo 13.12 
hey we moved channels you should join us in #death on slashnet now
T.w² | Marijuana 21.4.2018 klo 13.34 
+rep took me to a nice steak diner
Friday Night Gumping 2.4.2018 klo 0.17 
◑ ☞ HåPe☜ ◐ 1.3.2018 klo 8.34 
+rep Extremly good player, best in the silver rank, he also makes great games, even though his current game have some issue.
JK 16.5.2017 klo 2.42 
Made a cool logo for me!