Corey   Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ei tietoja.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Faehn 2.11. klo 7.46 
Epic gaming session? Yes, please!
76561199620706844 Vaihtokiellossa 3.8. klo 11.07 
fast player
Lalsa 8.7. klo 8.06 
Need a partner in crime for CS?
Nuahelm 6.7. klo 6.21 
Your profile rocks! Play?
76561199385477589 Vaihtokiellossa 3.5. klo 11.41 
lets play together
MARXXX 22.5.2022 klo 7.12 
sup Corey
Would you like to exchange your inventory game gift copy of the game Sorcery! Parts 1 and 2 for steam wallet like 5$ in marketable items?
Of course I can also offer something else like another game
If interested just send me a friends invite or simply a trade offer
Thank you!