Cranberry Juice Enjoyer
United States
According to the laws of aviation, bees can not fly. Their tiny wings can not carry their fat little bodies. Bees fly anyways, however. Bees simply do not care what humans think is possible.
Zurzeit online
SlipperySloth 18. Nov. 2022 um 0:02 
SlipperySloth 22. Aug. 2022 um 16:39 
hungry jeff 5. Okt. 2019 um 11:47 
Joolin #ClashGG 23. Juli 2018 um 13:30 
zero skill t spawn sitting awper named himself after something he will never be. LOL.
SlipperySloth 19. Juli 2018 um 15:04 
when youre balls deep in your 13th mongolian child sex slave and about to nut but then the kkk and the secret ♥♥♥♥ organization hack your computer and change the screen from your 34 terabytes of senior midget minecraft fidget spinner helium vape porn to the earrape version of blacks and jews being gassed,shot,burned at the stake when all of a sudden the FBI burst through your door while an LBGT vegan feminisn rally rears down your basement wall triggering all 48 of your mongolian child sex slaves Vietnam war flashbacks causing them to grab all of the guns you were going to shoot up the school with and start firing everywhere as the emo muslim kid quietly whispers "allah akbar" and hand hangs himself while his bomb ticks down while you sit back in the wheelchair you stole from the vegetable you threw into the highway with all of your corgis dressed in rompers as you repect women and crack open a cold one with the boys on a brisk saturday afternoon