Viktor Del Rey =D   Bulgaria
SprayFect 28 aug. la 9:07 
Can you sign my profile please
InnAte 26 iul. la 11:58 
add we played :)
Купитман 14 iun. la 22:55 
please sign :steamhappy:
cobzera 28 mai la 12:54 
Can u please sign my profile thanks for your time bro
_-_ 13 apr. la 5:31 
Hi, I'm from Poland and I collect players signatures and could you sign the profile?
Mart1ny™ 12 mart. la 1:57 
Благодаря вашему аккаунту я увидел как выглядит "Gold Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Trophy" в CS2 :csgoglobe: