juroff [no sound | mostly AFK]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Transazioni del Mercato
juroff [no sound | mostly AFK] 23 ago, ore 10:37 
I have disabled comments due to impersonators adding people who comment on my profile, if you have a decent inventory I will add you, private inventories will be ignored
lexplayesgame 23 ago, ore 8:02 
Sorry for cancelling the trade offer got added by an impersonator and got a bit confused
lexplayesgame 22 ago, ore 18:19 
sent a trade for fist bump
💫Galaxy4dan 19 ago, ore 14:24 
Added for a trade for a head of defense jellyfish hunter
tdon 16 ago, ore 21:27 
added for trade
Fresh♛ ツ 5 ago, ore 13:08 
add to trade