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Análises recentes de Jumbo Slice

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32.9 hrs em registo (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
Normally I'd play a game longer before reviewing it but since this game still technically isn't fully out yet I wanted to give my two cents to those looking to buy it.

This is basically the game I was trying to force Vermintide 2 to be by maining bounty hunter, but even better. I found it very fun and a definite improvement on Vermintide, and so far have experienced minimal crashes, but even still it'd take a loooot of crashes to ruin the fun I'm having.

One small criticism, and this is within "nitpick" territory, the Ogryn's starting gun reloads waaaay too slow to be really useful. I get this is the type of game where you're supposed to be working your way up to better and better guns, but did it really have to start at "single shot shotgun with a 5-10 second reload"?

Edit: Just a small notice, not all of the maps are out. Currently there's only 4. Not that that's a huge deal of course, this is still in beta, but just something to keep in mind if you get this now. I still managed to get 6 hours out of it in it's current state, absolutely cannot wait for the full game.
Publicado a 20 de Novembro de 2022. Última alteração: 21 de Novembro de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
Honestly, pretty boring with boring levels and boring story. Event the ending reward is lame. This is only good for the XP and even then, if you're like me and play this after beating the main game you'll get like, 3 levels out of the quests.

One thing I will say is some of the unique items here are nice for Krieg mains, but I'm probably going to ditch a lot of this in the Torque DLC.
Publicado a 19 de Novembro de 2022.
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30.3 hrs em registo
This game does a lot of things I like. Although I don't like the characters here as much as I liked them in Dragon Age 1(Anders gets a serious downgrade), I still really liked the story and rivalry/friendship system. It's nice to be able to have conversations and disagree with companions without it resulting in them leaving or not getting their bonuses for maxing out a "good" relationship status. I also liked that this game was willing to try something new; this isn't some grand adventure to save the world, it's a small scale story about a refugee from the blight starting from scratch and becoming a champion. I heard a lot of complaints about that from other reviews but I personally don't mind rolling the scale back a little bit, especially if it's used to build up a new threat(given how thouroughly the last game deals with the darkspawn).

All of that said, I'm really struggling to beat this game, and it's because the game design is small scale too. I'm not exaggerating when I say it ALL takes place in the same city. Caves and buildings are recycled too, you'll find yourself crawling the same dungeons over and over again. I don't mind the small scale story, but when it comes to locations and dungeons, a little variety would have gone a long way. It's not even that big or interesting of a city, not that I need this to be an open world game but if you're gonna set a whole game in a single city, atleast make it a big one with interesting locations and things to do. By this point, the only reason I'm forcing myself to try and beat this game is so that I can move on to Inquisition. And that's not really a good excuse to spend time on a game, so I'm gonna drop it here and move on with a save editor.

I do think there are good parts to this game, and I think people can I have fun playing it. Again, I also think it does a lot of interesting things as an RPG. But man does the sameness wear down on me. If you like DA:O, give this a try.
Publicado a 6 de Novembro de 2022.
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91.8 hrs em registo (72.8 horas no momento da análise)

I wanted to go ahead and get that disclaimer out of the way from the start. This game is a special kind of terrible PC port, and it's not just because of it's age. You don't get the kind of error messages from this game from just age, I imagine the code for this stinks to high heaven and is held together with chicken wire and duct tape. I still managed to get through this game, and honestly I still feel like it's worth it, but it's pretty much guaranteed you're going to be playing this at 10 minute increments between crashes.

ALL OF THAT SAID, this is an excellent game, with fantastic DLC. The story is great, with all the different choices that impact the story, interaction between your character(as in, backstory, class, skills, etc) and the world, and amazingly written companions. The missions and conversations with them are very fun and makes you want to spend time with each one.

The combat is... ok. I wouldn't say it's bad, in fact alot of the time I had fun. But when it came to tougher fights, I found myself having to micromanage the absolute crap out of all my characters, pausing every three seconds like the world's most boring DnD fight. I'm not just saying that, it's quite litterally like telling your DM blankly that you "hit the guy with your sword" and all he does is plainly reply back how much damage you did to which you immediately follow up with another straight forward command, continuing this cycle for about 30 minutes.

However, again, this is only the case for tougher fights. And the main draw is the story and companions, which this game hits right out of the park. This is definitely recommended! Just, again, not on PC if you can help it...
Publicado a 2 de Novembro de 2022.
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310.2 hrs em registo (196.5 horas no momento da análise)
I'm not really sure how I feel about this game. I always, at the very least, enjoyed it, and there are a few moments that really got to me, but it absolutely never matched the hype leading up to it's release. To me, this feels like the baseline to an amazing game. All the basics are there, the shooting, the driving, the customization, the story and the quests... but it all needed that last step to reach it's full potential. Just a little more care and thought into how cybernetics affect your character and gameplay. Just a bit more fleshing out of story quests and how they could branch out with choices. Just a bit more customization so you can really get into your V's shoes.

A good example of what I mean are the Cyberpsycho quests: They feel like they're supposed to involve more then what they end up being. To me, it feels like they wanted to bring a bit of the Witcher 3 into this game by having "hunts" for particularly dangerous cybernetic users that have unique abilities. Maybe they could have leaned more into the investigation leading up to the fight, tell more of a story then what you get on those datashards, maybe provide information about that particular psycho that helps you fight them better. But instead, they're all "show up here, scan around with your special eyes, fight whoever shows up." It feels like they got the bare minimum into the game, then shipped it before they could build on it.

Part of the blame, in my opinion, is the expectations gamers have for AAA games to have immaculate graphics. This game has been in development for several years, to look this good there must have been several times where they dropped everything to redo the city and graphics. There probably were other issues that lead to the state this game is in, of course, but it really feels like they shipped this game with shiny, beautiful graphics and gameplay they started designing years ago but never got around to finishing, it kinda shows where the priorities were.

I'd recommend giving this game a try, definitely buy it on sale.
Publicado a 3 de Outubro de 2022.
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0.3 hrs em registo
Very interesting short game. Not much to say, especially considering this is the first visual novel type game I've ever played. The writing and music was good, and I liked the visuals.
Publicado a 5 de Setembro de 2022.
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29.5 hrs em registo
Deus Ex follows, JC Denton, an agent of the UN, or as it's known in this reality, UNATCO. He's an upholder of world peace, who works alongside his fellow agents and UNATCO soldiers to fight terrorists who seek to sow chaos. At least, that's what he believes, up until certain dark secrets begin to unravel his worldview, sending him on one of many paths depending on what he does with his new found information...

This game has been pretty high up my backlog for a long time. I've been meaning to play more immersive sim games, especially after having so much fun with Cruelty Squad, so I figured where else to start then the one immersive sim everyone points to as the definitive one. It's definitely dated, and likely not for everyone, but man was it fun for me! It's honestly insane the level of freedom they put in your hands, and how much the gameplay interacts with the story. The augmentations were fun, and the choices of which ones to get adds a bit of replay-ability. Pretty much everything in this game has a hundred and one uses. For example, I never had much opportunity to use the pepperspray in combat, but I actually figured out you can use it to interrupt some trip wires, allowing you to crawl past.

What makes this game great for me is the exploration. This is a deceptively large game, with hidden paths and rooms everywhere. Whole sections of the map that would otherwise be missed can be found by being observant and creative. Finding these hidden areas is rewarded often with gear and experience points, which don't come as often as you'd think otherwise. They also sometimes offer an alternate path to your goal, of which there are always many to choose from. It's the aspect I loved the most.

The major downside, however, is that those story choices don't really effect the ending. Without spoiling it, they pull a Mass Effect 3 here, where it all essentially comes down to picking which of the three different buttons you push.

I would very much so recommend this game to anyone! Just remember to download a couple mods, it is an older game that struggles on newer systems.
Publicado a 24 de Julho de 2022.
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396.5 hrs em registo (70.2 horas no momento da análise)
This game is amazing. The world is huge, full of secrets and places to explore. The combat is fun and rewarding, and I love the art and character designs.

That said, there is one egregious sin that I can not forgive nor forget. It is completely game breaking, and will ruin anyone's playthrough should they discover this abhorrent mistake. You see, there's this armor called the Exile's armor. What's wrong with it? Nothing much. Well, except that it's sick scarf disappears whenever you equip the hats it would look the absolute coolest with.

Wizard hats? Nuh-uh. Shiny knight's helmet? Nope! Third example of a cool hat? Sorry, not gonna happen! Honestly, this to me displays a complete disregard for finer detail and attention to detail. I cry myself to sleep, thinking about how spectacular my Tarnished would be should he be allowed the scarf-hat combo of our dreams. But then Miyazaki himself dashes my hopes before my very eyes. Truly, this is the Darkest Shadow Borne Ring of Dying Twice.

So taking that into account, this is the worst game in history and I demand you all ignore how much time I'm putting into this game.
Publicado a 16 de Março de 2022.
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84.0 hrs em registo (11.5 horas no momento da análise)
The two KOTORs are like two different DnD campaigns from two different DMs. The first one likes to stick to the book, giving you the classic Star Wars experience of righteous Jedi traveling the galaxy, righting wrongs and fighting an empire, or of malicious Sith that climb a ladder of their opponents to gain ultimate power. It's very well written and gives that sense of adventure that's been hard to find in Star Wars ever since episodes 4-6 came out years ago.

The second game, however, likes to bend the rules. It's all sorts of shades of grey, where the lines between Jedi and Sith are blurred. The game does measure your alignment on the force... but light and dark doesn't completely correspond with good and evil. The whole game has an uncertain, uneasy atmosphere, as every action you take is second guessed, and your character slowly wanders in the darkness of the future. It is a fantastic look into the force, and those who claim to be it's masters.

This is a review I'm posting for both KOTOR I and II, so the rest of this applies to both, with the caveat that everything is improved in II.

The story, of course, takes center stage and absolutely dominates these games. Both offer an excellent role playing experience in the Star Wars universe. All the companions are interesting and well written as well, it's always fun seeing them interact or talking with them each time I return to the ship. As for the game play itself, it's definitely dated. It relies on a lot of DnD methods, such as saves and rolls. To be completely honest, I don't 100% know what I'm doing in terms of building and leveling my characters in these games, but I still hardly run into trouble due to not using a spreadsheet on the other monitor. Just make sure you take shopping trips with all of your companions, you never know when you're gonna be put in control of one only to find they're still using the blaster you gave them two worlds ago. As for combat, I find it best to approach it as if it's turn based with an auto-attack feature. The various minigames are also fun, and I kinda find myself wishing there were more of them.

These two games are absolute must-haves. Even if you don't like Star Wars, I'd still say give these a try!
Publicado a 1 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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182.1 hrs em registo (117.0 horas no momento da análise)
The two KOTORs are like two different DnD campaigns from two different DMs. The first one likes to stick to the book, giving you the classic Star Wars experience of righteous Jedi traveling the galaxy, righting wrongs and fighting an empire, or of malicious Sith that climb a ladder of their opponents to gain ultimate power. It's very well written and gives that sense of adventure that's been hard to find in Star Wars ever since episodes 4-6 came out years ago.

The second game, however, likes to bend the rules. It's all sorts of shades of grey, where the lines between Jedi and Sith are blurred. The game does measure your alignment on the force... but light and dark doesn't completely correspond with good and evil. The whole game has an uncertain, uneasy atmosphere, as every action you take is second guessed, and your character slowly wanders in the darkness of the future. It is a fantastic look into the force, and those who claim to be it's masters.

This is a review I'm posting for both KOTOR I and II, so the rest of this applies to both, with the caveat that everything is improved in II.

The story, of course, takes center stage and absolutely dominates these games. Both offer an excellent role playing experience in the Star Wars universe. All the companions are interesting and well written as well, it's always fun seeing them interact or talking with them each time I return to the ship. As for the game play itself, it's definitely dated. It relies on a lot of DnD methods, such as saves and rolls. To be completely honest, I don't 100% know what I'm doing in terms of building and leveling my characters in these games, but I still hardly run into trouble due to not using a spreadsheet on the other monitor. Just make sure you take shopping trips with all of your companions, you never know when you're gonna be put in control of one only to find they're still using the blaster you gave them two worlds ago. As for combat, I find it best to approach it as if it's turn based with an auto-attack feature. The various minigames are also fun, and I kinda find myself wishing there were more of them.

These two games are absolute must-haves. Even if you don't like Star Wars, I'd still say give these a try!
Publicado a 1 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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