Turner   Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Your name is TURNER. You are 30 YEARS OLD and you live in MINNEAPOLIS. Much to your chagrin, you are a PHYSICAL RANGED MAIN in the online game FINAL FANTASY XIV. You have cleared EVERY ULTIMATE and have begun to QUESTION YOUR SANITY about how much of your life you have wasted on that game.

no i will not change the formatting of this.

also we as a society should bring back fsjals. they are pure. they are happiness. they are expressions of the self. make a fsjal of your favorite character. make a fsjal of your original character. mine is my ffxiv character. follow my lead. revive the fsjal today!
Currently Online
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Hours played
Brady 8 Dec @ 3:08pm 
Brady 21 Sep @ 5:16pm 
Brady 17 Mar @ 6:22pm 
Brady 5 Jan @ 12:01am 
Brady 23 Sep, 2023 @ 10:17pm 
Brady 12 Jul, 2023 @ 9:17pm 