Sgt. Hartman's Jelly Doughnut
Matt   Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
I've seen The Exorcist about a hundred and sixty seven times, and it keeps gettin' funnier ever single time I see it.

Bright shone the roofs, the dones, the spires, as rockets flew self-driven, amid the vault of Heaven.

Yes, I work on the firewalls for Valve, Blizzard, nVidia, Microsoft, and 2K Interactive. Yes, I know when Blizzard releases patches for WoW. Yes, I've spoken to the inventor of Xfire. No, I cannot get you free games. No, I'm not interested in trading my TF2 items.

Member of:
Head Shot Entertainment [HSE]
Shaolin Drunks [SD]
Blender Kitten [bkg]
TestMachine11 :tme: / TMe / tm11 (the ONLY surviving member)
Ganja Zombie .:GZ:.
Team Crazy [CrAzY]

Rocking a i7 6700k, iTX, GTX 970 with 32 GB of DDR4 and 17 TB of HDD space, all behind a Cisco ASA and 3560TS-48. Networks for days.

7:17 AM - Rocket Mouse: tell me your password
7:18 AM - tm3.tr8nj.w0: my steam password?
7:18 AM - tm3.tr8nj.w0: its *************
7:18 AM - Rocket Mouse: holy shii that same as mine!
7:19 AM - tm3.tr8nj.w0: no WAY ♥♥♥♥

12:31 PM - [tme] Captain Salad!: I HATE FLAMINGOES.
12:32 PM - Oreo Spedwagon: The Flamingos hate you equally as well.
12:32 PM - [tme] Captain Salad!: THATS WHY I HATE THEM.
12:32 PM - [tme] Captain Salad!: you see the trouble i'm having?

2:07 PM - xCSx Riku the Piano Dog: I just saw a guy walking my street
2:07 PM - xCSx Riku the Piano Dog: WITH A GUN
2:07 PM - xCSx Riku the Piano Dog: D:
2:13 PM - TeMa11:It's FULL of TUNA: i would go ask him what hes up to.

2:13 PM - TeMa11:It's FULL of TUNA: i am a carrot.
2:20 PM - Rocket Mouse: no you are not
Rocket Mouse is now playing Left 4 Dead 2. Click here to join.
2:35 PM - TeMa11:It's FULL of TUNA: ♥♥♥♥. you are right.

[tme] Captain Salad!: apparently whitney houston died
Rocket Mouse is now Away.
Rocket Mouse is now Online.
Rocket Mouse:
[tme] Captain Salad!: you are no longer my brother.

6:29 AM - Rocket Mouse:
6:30 AM - Help, I am a bug.: what the ♥♥♥♥ is this
6:31 AM - Help, I am a bug.: remember that scene in "defending your life" and they all go to the past lives pavilion, and they can see who they were in their past lives, and that one older guy put his palm on the sphere, and he saw that he was a victorian girl in his past life, and he says "what the hell is this?" yeah, thats me right now.
6:32 AM - Rocket Mouse: or the indian running from the cheetah
6:32 AM - Help, I am a bug.: yeah.

4:25 PM - Hydrox4all: if you see that i called you again,,,,, it was an accident, you look like my wife..... LOL
5:11 PM - Sgt. Hartman's Jelly Doughnut: holy crap, dont ever say that to me
Currently Online
Rarest Achievement Showcase
aurorable1 28 Oct, 2014 @ 7:12am 
:NZA2_Zed::ZombieHeart: HAPPY:ZombieHeart:HALLOWEEN :ZombieHeart: HAPPY:ZombieHeart:HALLOWEEN :ZombieHeart: HAPPY:ZombieHeart:HALLOWEEN :ZombieHeart::NZA2_Zed:
Wake 6 Mar, 2014 @ 9:24pm 
hi rocket mouse
Wake 14 Feb, 2014 @ 1:28pm 
hi shaun
Fleck[Edge] 9 Nov, 2013 @ 6:50pm 
hey trunk long time no see!
Rocket Mouse 10 Aug, 2013 @ 2:22am 
You should try playing one of your many games; 19% Average completion rate.