Edwin   Spain
ETF2L last online: Tuesday 20th June 2017 19:56:57 +0200
We are back in business baby.

I'm from South Vietnam. I'm not Communist. I don't need sex because the North Vietnamese Communist Government ♥♥♥♥♥ me everyday ~ lanhatkhoakl .

My Proudest Moment.

Rage and memorable chats.

robin the computer hacker is now Online.
robin the computer hacker: nah man i'd rather not
robin the computer hacker: i have no headphones and if my dad finds me talking to a thirteen year ld spaniard
robin the computer hacker: he's going to think that i'm reforming the european man boy love association
robin the computer hacker: spanish, chinese, iranian, it's all the same when you have chicken fried rice with your tacos and halal kebab
robin the computer hacker: but ultimately
robin the computer hacker: you have a preference for the tacos
robin the computer hacker: before you realize, "♥♥♥♥! tacos aren't spanish!"
robin the computer hacker: ♥♥♥♥ me
robin the computer hacker: fine

|FV| Rockin132: Don't touch me with your tiny triangular penis
|FV| Rockin132: >:C

Poor Maddisch.... (jk i <3 u)

[FLU] Maddisch: you didnt kill me once did you? xDD
[FLU] Maddisch: Sorry, i only marry ppl with skill, not you
[FLU] Maddisch: Why did you not butterknife me? xD
[FLU] Maddisch: You got a kill on me! I'm proud mr.ironspy

bigfishlittle♥♥♥♥♥ .tumblr.com : 'what are the other 8 classes?' ~franmches
bigfishlittle♥♥♥♥♥ .tumblr.com : dw about him he's a 12 y/o kid that got kicked from fv lol
alba : could you please stop focusing only me? jesus christ
alba : ♥♥♥♥ off

*DEAD* Tseini : i hate idiots
*DEAD* willyjack is gei xDDDD : what?
*DEAD* willyjack is gei xDDDD : what did I do
*DEAD* willyjack is gei xDDDD : I just killed you

TF2C | Jaros: you are so edgy cuz u can 420 noscope with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ knife
TF2C | Jaros: one manages team and the other manages team
TF2C | Jaros: oh ♥♥♥♥ im ♥♥♥♥♥♥
TF2C | Jaros: one manages team second manages players


*DEAD* (G.E.W.P) Gold Helmet* : franches shut up u noob
*DEAD* (G.E.W.P) Gold Helmet* : franches is noob
*DEAD* (G.E.W.P) Gold Helmet* : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* (G.E.W.P) Gold Helmet* : u noob

Conversation with Premiership spy gone Wrong #1
Villdsnack: i mean
Villdsnack: i get added
Villdsnack: ppl say this
Villdsnack: [MFB] Shankie : villdjack, i'm going to flay your penis and make you beg me to cut it off
[MFB] Shankie : viildjack, afterward i'm going to feed you said flayed penis and ram it down your throat so you can only breathe down your nose
[MFB] Shankie : viildjack, i'll ♥♥♥♥ your nostrils full so you choke on your own ♥♥♥♥ and my ♥♥♥♥

butt: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ what do i do
butt: im being forced by an idiot indian to join his cancer hl team
butt: cancer team
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of indians

|FV| Mosef-Stalin: We are spy mains
We do not bodyshot
We do not forgive, we do not forget
Please don't spycheck

|FV| Birdy: Lol guiz, we just hacked adobe and got their 2003 update
|FV| Birdy: lez go boiz

GreeN: your be ♥♥♥♥ by have people say good thing about u

VisioN: check my steam friends profile
VisioN: check my friends list
VisioN: omg my english is ♥♥♥♥
VisioN: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ life

to do list:

get good at spy
re add buck by 2020
get out of iron
stop bm people
join spain national hl team
Give u a cookie cause you got down here

None of this matters anymore.

|FV| Rockin132: >tfw when ur list includes re-adding Buck the little babby
|FV| Rockin132: nice meme.

shinso: Omg happy bday
shinso: Youre finally 4 years old!!!!
franches@BDAYYYY:DDDdd: add a 1 infront of it
În prezent în joc
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Jocul favorit
'what are the other 8 classes?' ~franmches
"Fosa Einsicht ist immer so: wir haben die Korrektur in die Hieroglyphen der Pyramide Gizeh eingetragen und dann den Luftraum Ägypten per Bombendrohung gesperrt, aber aus Athen geht zwischen 5.34 und 7.22 nächsten Mittwoch eine Fähre wer wissen will was er falsch gemacht hat 🤗"

~Ravid 2022

[2:08 AM] Alex: respeta a tus mayores subnormal

Oshunter — Today at 11:14 PM
increibles recuerdos de andar sobre stickies de rakna con la mayor seguridad de que no va a detonarlas

d0b1 — Today at 11:20 PM
me voy a tatuar la cara de rakna en el pecho
es mi puto idolo

d0b1 — Today at 11:20 PM
es el mejor demo que solo pone stickis para asustar y crear paranoia y psicosis al enemigo
es un puto genio ese chaval

Franches: Yo lets ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ win this game lets play gay!

-Dicksauce 2020

"difference between a sad blowjob and playing spy is that with the former at least one person is having fun" - Adje 2020

"spy is basically a gambling simulator, you either win or you lose enough and then you have depression" - Dicksauce 2020

"suck my fart out of an ass made of ass" - Dicksauce 2020

An_Hardyaroo: you can ♥♥♥♥ ur sister to make a inbred child and blame it on the population so you raise taxes

"I'm pounding these kids with 500 ♥♥♥♥♥ DPM, I cannot answer you china man"

Imagine James Bond doing his job but 2 times better and then during mission report saying "Yeah I suck"
That's franches in a nutshell - Roquet 2020

my ♥♥♥♥♥ kills sniper destroys the teleporter drops the medic destroys the sentry and says he sucks ♥♥♥♥ - laiky 2020

Franches after destroying enemy team like - laiky 2020

"They've [Reto] evolved, but like the rejects of Darwinism, this one's retarded." - Mobster01

Competetive Team Fortress 2:
ETF2L Highlander Season 8 Division 6 - Multinational Massacre Main Spy
ETF2L Highlander Season 9 Open - Frog Village & We Drop Mixtapes Substitute Spy
ETF2L Highlander Season 10 Mid - A9 Substitute Spy
ETF2L Highlander Season 21 Mid - Frog Village Main Spy
ETF2L Highlander Season 25 Low - Duras Declaraciones Main Spy
ETF2L Highlander Season 31 Low - Durisimas Declaraciones Main Spy
UGC Highlander Season 16 Iron - Canceled Project Substitute Spy
UGC Highlander Season 17 Iron - Nandos Hitmen Main Spy
UGC Highlander Season 19 Silver - Solid Pickup Default Merc
UGC Highlander Season 30 Silver - Frog Village Main Spy
UGC Highlander Season 31 Silver - Duras Declaraciones Main Spy

Kenny roasting franches #1
i miss you more than tf2: hey man wanna hear a joke
i miss you more than tf2: what do you call a spy that's called silver/gold but he's actually iron because he's really trash???
i miss you more than tf2: franches

I can merc up to silver/mid on good days.
I can merc up to iron/steel on the usual days.
"Daily Motivation"

ez carry in a lobby and im on the same team :((
17:17:34 Erupo | trade.tf: franches, nice period girl
17:20:08 Erupo | trade.tf: franches, if you are on period i can do nothing
17:20:19 Erupo | trade.tf: get a tampoon, a hot beverage and a soup
17:20:25 Erupo | trade.tf: dont play lobby
17:20:38 Erupo | trade.tf: and, for your interest, playing main in lobby is so retarded -.-"

I busted this cheater from UGC [www.ugcleague.com]
Rest in ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pieces wyatt smith.

Dont h8 the player, h8 the game.

Bob : well you can laugh if only you hit a backstab
Bob : well
Bob : you are retarded
Here : Wtf
Here : !rep their spy
Console TF2Center: !rep can only be initiated by a player's own team
(reps me for killing him lmfao)
Here : OH FFS
Here : THAT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SPY
Here : Our team doesn't know how to spycheck
(He is the pyro LOL)
Bob : you are retarded
Here : Retarded ♥♥♥
Here : LOL SPY
Bob : what a kid
Bob : mge me
Bob :you play spy
Bob : rofl
Here : Random crit hacker
Bob : spy is so much skilled that you cant backstab
Here : f u
Here : Choke a ♥♥♥♥
franches@500hoursSPY : I will choke yours if you had one.

Kira: I have the biggest ego of anyone i know
Kira: perhaps cuz i never fail in anything

[4:02 PM] Pendulum: you are a proof of the fact that spy requires only brain

floppyfish opinion on doom 4 2016
Koala: i dunno what to say to that except that at least it is no longer gay sex dungeons

rip in sl4wgetti never forgetti he was playing ark hahaha xDDDDDDDDDD NOW WITH ENGLISH CAPTIONS PROVIDED!

yesheng: KE TE CALLES HIJO DE PUTA (SHUT THE ♥♥♥♥ UP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
yesheng: RATA DE MIERDA (RAT OF ♥♥♥♥)
yesheng: menudo rata tio (wow, you are such an rat)
yesheng: vengta dew (come one dew) (WTF IS DEW???????)
yesheng: algo mas ke decir (you got more to say?)
yesheng: y a burlarte de tu pta madre (laugh at your ♥♥♥♥♥ mum)
yesheng: venga niño rata (come one rat kid)
yesheng: buscate amigos tio (get friends dude)
yesheng: te veo muy solo (I see you lonely)
yesheng: en tf2 (in tf2)
yesheng: eso es cosa de los de la vieja escuela (that ♥♥♥♥ is oldschool)
yesheng: no los noobies (not newbies)
yesheng: que teneis el ego x encima de todos (because you guys got the highest ego of all)
yesheng: y teneis una skill de mierda (and a ♥♥♥♥ skill) (LOOK WHO IS TALKING HAHAH)
yesheng: palabras honestas de Mista (honest words of mista)
yesheng: si no sabes kien es (you dont even know who he is)
yesheng: eres un pringao (you are a nobody)
yesheng: y no sabes de competitio (and know nothing about competetive)
yesheng: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ niño de 11 años (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 11 year old)
yesheng: esk tio no se xk hablo con un niño rata que acaba de salir del coño de su madre (why the ♥♥♥♥ am i talking to a rat kid who just came out of his mothers vagina?)
yesheng: bueno venga dew (ok, comeone dew)

♥♥♥♥ none cares about
g303@5700dpi 4/11 .15@ambassador 25.5"/360 1.15@knife 3.3"/360
Russian Hacks, sponsored by putin. Spy CFG for Nerds, Hackers, Your mother, Donald Trump, Tu tia la del pueblo, el primo jonatan and 毛泽东 [pastebin.com]
Autoexec incase my pc gets hacked by russian pedophiles xDDdDdD ✈ ▌▌ [pastebin.com]

*DEAD* diaegon : nice speed hack frances
*DEAD* DREAGLEMEISTER : how u go yelow ?
*DEAD* Moussani : REPORTED
*DEAD* SwizzY : reported
Maikelele : dein maul
killingZOE : dont laugh....that hurts
*DEAD* Mille Feuille Ensorcelleur : nice just one forest
KING Kong : frances not normal bro
● *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) Litre : hope all terrorist from isis bomb you mom
*DEAD* W3tfQ : hahah
*DEAD* W3tfQ : AHHAHA sure
*DEAD* W3tfQ : welcome to OW
*DEAD* W3tfQ : ahaha running HS
*DEAD* HePPiRoc : nice hack
*DEAD* HePPiRoc : noob
Voxx : Nice smurf go ♥♥♥♥ yourself
Voxx : Nice wh
sq lf scout: 1st my dad almost crashed in flight n den i had 2 move back 2 mum n dad
Hackusations... [pastebin.com] :steamsalty:
Autoexec Download [mega.co.nz]
Viewmodel, Crosshair and Sens [pastebin.com]
http://pastebin.com/gkg09Rzv Config
ETF2L [etf2l.org]
UGC [www.ugcleague.com]
[ url=https://tf2center.com/profile/765611980821086
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8,5 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 16 ian.
36 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 22 dec. 2024
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FV 2.0?