Left To Kill
Joshua   Idaho, United States
I prefer.... that every zombie remains dead. That would make it a lot easier to cross the street.
https://www.twitch.tv/riotrey Watch him or die.
현재 오프라인
NinjaGamer360 2023년 11월 29일 오후 4시 57분 
Hey uh... to anyone who still checks this profile every once and awhile... LTK is alive and kicking. but they lost the password to this account and couldn't recover it, so they made a new one a while ago...

This is the new one if anyone wanted it... https://gtm.you1.cn/profiles/76561199001724640/
charge 2020년 10월 6일 오후 2시 18분 
are you alive
☁ Julianna 2020년 5월 10일 오전 5시 23분 
📒 + [Secret Drug Facts] + 🏓
🌳 👔 🏀 💙 📒 🚙 👳 💄 🔋 🍇 😺 🌏 🚙 🚗 🎁 🎍
Beer & Pretzels -- Breakfast of Champions.
If God had intended Men to Smoke, He would have put Chimneys in their Heads.
🎽 🐠 👔 💃 📗 🐝 📘 👽 💛 🎈 🐛 🍖 💎 🥞 👾 📕
NinetyNine99 2019년 11월 28일 오전 11시 58분 
Long time, no see bro ;-;
♛Classy Tony♛ 2019년 7월 14일 오전 11시 10분 
+Rep Funny boi, one of many friends who had in Unturned, but he was special in a way of good aim and fun times
Teegan 2019년 6월 30일 오후 2시 16분 
he was one of my best childhood friends. haven't seen him in almost seven years. good times.