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11,307.7 hrs on record (1,779.3 hrs at review time)
Ingrediente – Clatite americane
400 g faina
500 ml lapte
4 oua
3 lingurite rase praf copt
1/2 lingurita rasa bicarbonat
un varf sare
5 linguri zahar
zahar vanilat
6 linguri ulei
♥♥♥ se fac clatitele americane pufoase?
Amestecam faina cu praful de copt, bicarbonatul si zaharul si apoi dam prin sita amestecul obtinut.
Separam albusurile da galbenusuri. Albusurile le mixam foarte bine, iar galbenusurile le mixam (dar nu mult, cca 3 minute) cu un varf de sare.
American pancakes - aluat pancakes

Amestecam laptele si uleiul si il adaugam galbenusurilor.
Adaugam mixul de lapte si galbenusuri peste faina, amestecam bine si adaugam la sfarsit albusurile, amestecand de jos in sus cu grija.
Clatitele americane ♥♥♥ se prepara aluatul pentru American pancakes

Obtinem un aluat mai dens, dar cu o consistenta pufoasa (gen pandispan).
Clatite americane (American pancakes) - aluat pancakes preparare

Incingem o tigaie teflonata si o ungem cu un cubulet de unt dupa care stergem cu un servetel tot untul din tigaie. In acest fel, vom obtine pancakes cu o suprafata aurie uniforma. Daca ramane untul in tigaie suprafata va arata ca cea de clatite adica cu pete maronii. Ungem tigaia cu unt o singura data, la inceput, cand ne apucam de prajit pancakes.
In centrul tigaii incinse, adaugam cu ajutorul unui polonic, aluatul. Dupa ce l-am turnat in tigaie nu ii atingem in nici un caz suprafata. El se va intinde de unul singur atat cat va fi nevoie (maxim 6-7 cm diametru).
In momentul in care apar primele basicute iar suprafata isi pierde luciul, intoarcem pancakesul pe cealalata parte.
American pancakes - pancakes prajite in tigaie teflonata

Le prajim in felul acesta pe toate.
Se servesc cu sirop de artar, miere, zahar pudra, sos de ciocolata,etc. Eu le-am servit cu sos de ciocolata.
American pancakes

Absolut divine!
Posted 14 June, 2023. Last edited 2 October, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
64.4 hrs on record (31.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Alexsimplu suge pula
Posted 15 December, 2020.
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2 people found this review funny
376.5 hrs on record (260.5 hrs at review time)
Neah, GTA VI is coming soon
Posted 17 October, 2020.
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197.8 hrs on record (110.6 hrs at review time)
Many bugs such as placing traps makes you invincible so the terror can't eat you and if the terror is camping the exit gate and you jump from a floor on the exit gate you are escaping even if the terror is spamming m1.
Posted 2 June, 2020.
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1,879.2 hrs on record (144.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Still trash and full of cheaters
Posted 23 April, 2016. Last edited 20 September, 2020.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries