St Luke M.D.
Sancte Luca, Ora pro nobis   Vatican City State (Holy See)
:med: Doctor in dermatology :med:
Feel free to add me for more infos, I'm always open to discussion

My conversion from atheism to catholicism was based on reason first, faith came later.
:cleanhourglass: Contingency argument made me a theist
:yaga_cross: Historical evidence for the resurrection & universality of Jesus' message made me a christian
:cross: Christ giving us a church through St Peter made me a catholic

> A atheist looking only at arguments like God's hiddenness, the problem of evil, ... while ignoring arguments for the existence of God (Contingency argument, Kalam, Fine Tuning, ...) is just as biaised as a fundamentalist christian.

:sr4fleurdelis: Tf2 main : Soldier & Pyro
:sr4fleurdelis: Cuisine main : Italian & French
:sr4fleurdelis: Philosophy main : Stoïcism

:DNA:Scrub : 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓵 1𝓰 𝔁4/𝓭𝓪𝔂
:DNA:Intern : ᛕﻉՇѻρɼѻिﻉก 100๓ﻭ χ2/∂αу
:DNA:Doctor :
:DNA:ア̴ム̴尺̵ム̷c̴乇̸イ̸ム̶ᄊ̸o̵レ̶ ̸ﻭ̶1̴ ̴メ̴4̸/̴d̷ム̴リ̴ ̴
:DNA:т̵н̵ι̸σ̶¢̸σ̷ℓ̶¢̷н̴ι̷¢̶σ̸ѕι∂̸є̷ ̶̈́͜4̵̫̄м̶̛̱Б̷̙̂,̸ ̷α̶ℓ̷ℓ̴ ̸у̷σ̴υ̴ ̷¢̸α̴η̴ ̶є̴α̴т̶ ̵
:DNA:๏̸̦̔x̴̨͊y̵̩̑ς̸̬͒๏ƈ̶͉͑ѻ̵̢̒ɗ̴̭̂ѻ̴̺̓ก̵̹̓ﻉ̸̛̪ ̶̤͋๒ٱ̴̞̊ѻ̶̵̻͚̾͝๏̸̰̎ﻮ̴͚͐ค̴̰͑г̶͙͂ค̸͓̎ภ̷̭̋ ̴̦̏ɭ̶̟̌ρ̶̦͑ק̴̖̈́ ̴͎͛2̵͉̂0̶̛̭ ̵͚̉ᄊ̴̹͝g̸͖̐ ̸̭̄/̷͎́1̵̢̛2̶̞̕Ђ̶̠̔о̸͓͋ц̸̺̎ѓ̷͎͘ѕ̵̀ͅ ̶̺͠
Zurzeit offline
By Apollo Physician, by Asclepius, by Hygieia and by Panacea
Gegenstände zum Handeln
Gegenstände im Besitz
℣. Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccáta mundi.
℟. Dómine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum : sed tantum dic verbo, et sanánabitur ánima mea.
℣. Corpus ✠ Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam tuam in vitam æternam.
God Hate Us All 30. Juni um 16:08 
"God's Drunkest Doctor 13 Mar, 2022 @ 1:17pm
+rep Furries are indeed not people. Every furry I met was at most a 3/10 and had social anxiety. But instead of hitting the gym and working on self-improvement, they log in their degenerate circle jerk to cover themselves in delusion as they descend further in this childish and unhealthy behavior. They were groomed into groups that promote such mental illness with soft propaganda and spread it to others like a virus. They destroyed all their chances to become useful members of society and they end up alone with a crappy minimal wage job or hanging from the ceiling once they snap back to reality." - This comment will never cease to be valid
Sudegrad 11. März um 14:16 
+rep holy man
✝ Totenkopf 10. Sep. 2023 um 6:55 
+rep a BASED brother in Christ!
BLUE METH ABSORBER 6. Sep. 2023 um 7:19 
saying only facts. GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER!
Clinically Insane 1. Sep. 2023 um 11:37 
+rep red pilled and fact spitter
Бри.Уч.Кол.Мощ 31. Aug. 2023 um 5:05 
Greek philosopher time traveled to our times. Based. Wise. + rep