Likes to trade and play tf2.
I never go on here anymore, sorry.

Hey! if you are here to trade send me a trade offer here: http://gtm.you1.cn/tradeoffer/new/?partner=137393567&token=C8l8Qi7Y (Let's you trade with me without adding me)

Trading: (Outpost) http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/419818 (Bazaar) http://bazaar.tf/profiles/76561198097659295

Extra: (my backpack.tf) http://backpack.tf/id/76561198097659295

My trading manual: When trading me, i can tell you that i am 100% trustable when it comes to special trades, i will in no way try to scam you and will warn you if you are giving too much/too little. If you still agree with the price then thats ok, i have already traded 2 very valuable items (voodoo juju and bills hat) By gift (They provided giftwrap and trusted me with it) And i have soon close to 15 pages of rep so thats a nice thing! Im also usually never in a hurry when trading, so dont feel pressured!

Not removing you in friendslist unless it gets too full! Remove yourself if you dont want to be in my friendslist! Thanks.

Bio: Im stür_ or stør_ or whatever you call it, im a new trader who wants to trade myself upwards from nothing, to hopefully a unusual or something like that.
Wish me luck and thank you everyone who wrote +rep, means much to me. Have a good day!

Personal goals:
#1 Keys Beginner, done
#2 Bills hat Newcomer trading, done
#3 Earbuds Experienced trader, done
#4 Unusuals Very experienced trader, done!
#5 High tier unusuals Learning, building up towards a good unusual.
#6 Max head.
# Ultimate goal: Burning TC or something similar.

Extra info:
Favorite tf2 class: (Obvious avatar is obvious) #1 (Soldier) #2 (Demoman) #3(Scout, but mostly for mvm)
Favorite weapons: Gunboats, market gardener, eyelander, charging-targe.
Favorite game: tf2 & half-life 2
Favorite food/drink: PIZ-AH & CAU-KA-KAULA, CHAUKEULET.
Favorite servers: I usually roam around all servers, you can find me on almost any server! But mostly only payload ones. (Plr_hightower or upward/badwater)

Favorite map: pl_badwater and pl_upward, plr_upward

Also yes, i create sfm wallapers and avatars (The one im using right now was made by me) I might comission one if you pay a little but at the moment i dont have much time to those kind of things.

Donations of tf2 items is appriciated and +repping me wil result in a +rep back if you have a public profile!

Thanks and peace out.
nein ... 11 września 2021 o 18:18 
Ethosaur 7 września 2021 o 20:32 
Also really cool guy
Colonel 23 marca 2017 o 21:25 
rip x_x
Dëd_ 22 marca 2017 o 9:06 
Im alive!
Mixed Minuet 20 marca 2017 o 7:21 
3 years and some change offline... Yeah, I'm gonna have to get rid of you, sorry...
port hokan denizen 23 czerwca 2015 o 13:14 
*salutes* I know you dont know me and never will but i wish you luck on gettin high up there with trading!