Tim Horton   Georgia, United States
I've never opened FireAlpaca once, Steam is having a glitch.

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Why HyperVoxel is a Toxic Card
So you may be wondering, what is a "HyperVoxel"? Well, I don't know exactly, but word on the streets is that it is one of the worst cards in the game. Some people HATE HyperVoxel. Other people HATE HyperVoxel. It seems that it is universally hated beyond repair. But why? After doing some reaserch i found out that HyperVoxel makes extremely lazy hangout games, but that can't be the *only* reason why people hate him. Obviously they're talking about his representation in the game, so let's take a little look-see and find out what amkes his card so cringe. On the surface level, it seems like an extremely overpowered card. It does 500 damage to every fighter on the board. How can that be balanced? I asked around the community and figured out that HyperVoxel costs 4 Colorless Studs and 4 Red Studs, which means he can't be palyed in every deck. Then why do people hate him? It has been a reoccuring nightmare where I play my entire hand of Doges and get completely wiped by a stinky Red player. As we all know, the color Red is the sign of the devil. It can be said that the more red studs a card costs, the more evil it is. As you may recall, HyperVoxel is 4. This means on the evil-devil-scale, he ranks a 4 out of 36. You may think that is relatively not that evil, but you fail to factor the colorless cost as well. Colroless studs may also be consdiered "white studs" which if you read between the lines you may come to the conclusion that the more "white studs" in your card's cost, the more white privelidge the card has. Evilness combined with white privelige makes for a truly horrifying card that is understandably hated by the vast majority of the community. How dare these developers create such a card? Why was innocent HyperVoxel, with his trash hangout games, represented like this in the game? After doing months of strenuous digging, I figured out that HyperVoxel is indeed a white evil devil person. I've FOUND pictures of him IN REAL LIFE where, low and behold, HE LOOKS LIKE AN EVIL DEVIL!!!! Furthermore, he looks NOTHING like his avatar whcih is even worse! Back on track talking about this game, this trash game where they decided putting hypervoxel into it was a grandiose idea. Misguided they were, mistreated the playerbase, and misallocated resources to put it in the game. Do the developers realize that you have to pay artists to make the art for the card? Do they realize that no one wants to LOOK at hypervoxel's evil white face? His devillish demeanror im surrpise it even allowed on the platform with how satanaic he is. But No Matter. The developers clearly don't care about the players, they only care abput the money. We as a community of gamers need to band together and start a gamer revolution of card gaming. These nincompoops have zero idea how to balance a game, evidence by hypervoxel's continued presence. Seriously guys? 500 damage? That will kill even the strongest of boards. Not to mention that you can have up to TWO hypervoxels in your deck at any given time. Not even mentioning that you can also RETURN jyperevoxel tro your hand again and proc its effect again, dealing an additional 500 damage . This results in a total of 1000 AOE damage not even considerring the amount of returns or injects you can have on a single hypervoxel. It's clearly a tragedy when such a well made card game is put on the ringer by one card. One single card that will always triumph the others. Let's talk about the meta quickly. The meta has devolved into both players spamming hypervoxls the enitere game. Even wrose, when I was trying out a HyperVoxel deck for the first time, my dad saw me playing a HYperVoxel deck and started beating me up with jumper cables! But there is a glimmer of hope for this dying game, not even breaking 100 players at any given tiem. If the devlopers realize that HyperVoxel is a massive problem to the game'\s balance and fix it, we will be in the grene. It's wild to me that hypervoxel can stay in the game for as long as he had. It is a crazy idea to think about whe you look at the wiki and see that the hypervcoxel has been in the game for over 6 years. It's baffling that the community took so long to find and abuse this card. And better yet, overtake the meta. Why play Toys when you just know they'll be hypervlxles'd. The toy player and monoyellow is DYING because of this trash, toxic card. Not to even consider the type of player that looks at Hypervoxel and sees the best card ever made. They always have to laugh in your face whjenever you lplay your entire hand into the arms of Hypervoxel. These arms of his, are not a friendly gesutre. They are infact, EVIL. The evil arms of hypervoxel will only attrack evil; Evil reigns over good. The good decks like Permafrost Storm FELL to these horribly defifcient developers. Is there even anyone at the driver's wheell anymore? People after seeing hypoervoxle being played a singl;e time will instead go to play Animation Throwdown: The QUEST for Cards. Are we seriously worse than FAMILY GUY CARD GAME? These devellopers need to get off their high horse amnd finally listen to the playerbase that gives them the mlney they need to srufvivd.e But even more the value ofthe generala play ervetrbase opening their minds to a wider field of cards to polay; THere are more decks than just Hypervoxel spam, guys. Please jusrt stop menacing the newbies with this trash card. No wonder the game is dying bewcause new players wake up ikn the mornin,gh get on the game and low and behold, they get hypervoxeled. It's a life ruiner for shure. Those sad p;ayers are the real cookies. The cookies that crumbled under the weight of hypervoxel's ban hammer. Did you see that jhypoveroxoel has a ban hammer? The developers might as well just make hyperovxel ban the oppojnet for all its worth. If yu're reading this, developers, PULL THE PLUG because this game is over. No matter that it's on roblox, anmd that there are no coipies in resale, he game needs toD IE! Put it out of its misery berfore it to late. The black market of alt arts is sickening People selling okrlgans to gt a luna commision its painful seeing all of those kidnyeyless children having to live through chronic jaundice because they just wanted to see more yellow mill syupport. The fact that the delvpers of this game would turn the other cheek = thurn a blind eye to all of this happening, nust to put more roguelikes in the game. Why would need a rlguelike in a CARD GAME? Focus on somethin g more important guys! We NEED HYPERVOXLE TO BE NERFED IMMEEDIATELY! I can't stand thijnking about this card any l;onger! DEVELOPES!
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204 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 1. dec.
5.589 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 1. dec.
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sidst spillet d. 29. nov.
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Trilocks 1. dec. kl. 9:48 

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send this GUN to everyone you hate about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE ENEMY
snubcube 14. nov. kl. 15:07 
they removed heavy melee cancelling from siphon life. abams is DEAD
snubcube 12. nov. kl. 11:58 
Thanks I was looking for a guide for the character in deadlock that I have 90 hours in
9. nov. kl. 19:34 
this is an abrams guide, you need it
altiked 29. sep. kl. 4:17 
√rep because I'm feeling evil today :3
Joaquin 13. sep. kl. 21:59 
I'll grind your bones into dust for my hourglass.