Being a good gamer makes good market, not a bad fanboy

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Silgi's Game Verdict List
= 2021 =
The end of AAA Games.

= 2020 =
Miracle Snack Shop, 4/10. Not bad. Unlike the title, it tasted a bit less basic. :steamfacepalm:
MHW : IB, 5/10. Pretty good. The new content added is mysterious and valuable. :steammocking:
Atelier Ryza, 5/10. Not bad. Improved systems, re-used game engines, poor stories. :steammocking:
Doom:Eternal, 6/10. Not bad. It's not a new gen title, just expansion. but who do care? :steamhappy:
Helltaker, 6/10. Pretty good. Too short but strong impression. :steammocking:
Street of Rage 4, 5/10. Not Bad. It's a game continues with previous, nothing more or less.:steamfacepalm:
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris, 5/10. Pretty bad. No impression. :steamfacepalm:

= 2019 =
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, 4/10. Not bad. Give the high score to first attempt. :steammocking:
Need For Speed : Heat, 2/10. Pretty bad. No improvement and interest. :steamsad:
Azurelane : Cross Wave, 3/10. Not bad. Poor volume, modeling, storytelling. Just Fan game. :steamfacepalm:
DEATH STRANDING, 4/10. Not bad. Good system and enviroment, but Poor storytelling. :steamfacepalm:
GIRLS und PANZER, 2/10. Bad. An incomplete work. :steamfacepalm:
Atelier Sophie, 4/10. Not bad. A game on the cover, and Getting bored after the middle. :steammocking:
DJ Max Respect, 6/10. Pretty good. HIGH Recommended if you like a rhythm game.
Horizon Zero Dawn, 5/10. Not bad. It's obvious, but the enviroment and material are fresh. :steammocking:
The Division 2, 6/10. Pretty good. HIGH Recommended if you like a routed game. :steamhappy:
Wolfenstein II: THE NEW COLOSSUS, 5/10. Not bad. A loose story, just shooting game. :steamfacepalm:
= 2018 =
Sword Art Online:FB, 4.5/10. Below average. Slippery and uncreated developments. :steamfacepalm:
Surviving Marc, 3/10. Mediocre. Unfinished barebone game. I was tricked again. :steamfacepalm:
Far Cry 5, 4/10. Mediocre. Please Change the lead director. :steamfacepalm:
Battletech, 4/10. Mediocre. Contents are insufficient compared to price. :steamsad:
Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 4/10. Mediocre. Common and boring plot. :steamfacepalm:

= 2017 =
Urban Empire, 4/10. Mediocre. a lack of contents :steamfacepalm:
Quantum Breack, 4/10. Mediocre. poor story :steamfacepalm:
Ghost Recon : Wildlands(BETA), 3/10. Disappointing. defective game :steamsad:
Assasin's Creed Chronicles, 2.5/10. So Boooring. digital insomnia remedy :steambored:
Dishonored 2, 6/10. Not Bad. uninteresting story :steamfacepalm:
Ghost Recon : Wildlands, 6.5/10. Not Bad. Great Environmental Effect. :steammocking:
Tales of Berseria, 6/10. Above average. Problems in the latter half of the game. :steammocking:
theHunter : Call ot the Wild, 5/10. Below average. need more various animals. :steammocking:
Dragon Quest Heroes 2, 5.5/10. Not Bad. Nostalgic JRPG Old School Style. :steammocking:
Deus Ex : Mankind Divided, 4.5/10. Below average. It's not sequel, just expansion story. :steamfacepalm:
The Surge, 4.5/10. Not Bad. Marketing research failure. :steammocking:
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, 6.5/10. Good Game. High requirement muti-channel sound sys. :steammocking:
Sonic Mania, 6/10. Below average. Too expensive, but still good game for old fan like to me. :steamhappy:
Battle Chasers Knightwar, 4/10. Not Bad. Unfinished Story & Hope. :steambored:
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daugher, 4/10. Not Bad. A lack of contents that can't be high price. :steamfacepalm:
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, 3/10. Bad Game. It's a game full of shortcomings. :steamsad:
Sword Art Online:HR, 5/10. Above average. I had fun, although this game is a lot of shortcomings. :steammocking:
Homefront: The Revolution, 3.5/10. Below average. Marketing research failure. :steamfacepalm:
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🧚🏿 Meilani 3. Okt. 2020 um 16:29 
...Saure really turns out to be an adept at the difficult art of papryomancy,
the ability to prophesy through contemplating the way people roll reefers -
the shape, the licking pattern, the wrinkles and folds or
absence thereof
in the paper. "You will soon be in love," sez Saure, "see, this line here."
"It's long, isn't it? Does that mean --" "Length is usually intensity.
Not time."
-- Thomas Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_

프기니 5. Aug. 2019 um 5:20 
다시 회사 노예로 복귀했읍니다...:steamfacepalm:
rutel 19. Mai 2019 um 6:03 
안녕하세요 실기님
친추 받았습니다. 잘부탁드립니다~
rusiyanp 31. Dez. 2017 um 16:32 
새해 복 많이 받으세요~!
longcat301 29. Sep. 2017 um 9:39 
이번 한가위 연휴 즐겁게 보내시고 항상 행복하시길 바랍니다^^
프기니 28. Juni 2017 um 5:54 
제가 요즘 활동을 안하다보니 네이버 확인도 잘 안하고 있었는데, 쪽지 뒤늦게 확인하고 답장은 보냈습니다만.. 새로운 답장은 없었습니다.