sir chevron peterson
chev   Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Smoking an eight ball of meth in one night (stayed up for 5 days)
Year 2 (2008) - Encouragement award obtained
School Cross country (2010) - 3rd place
Interschool Cross country (2010) - 42nd
School Captain (2012)
30 Pack of Mi-Goreng Consumed (2013) - under 6 days
All 9 seasons of How I met your Mother observed (2016)
♥♥♥♥ your mother every second of every day (eternity)

Safe to say, im kind of a big deal.
Shalom random, my name is Chev, but you could probably gather that from my steam alias.

If you are on my steam that can mean only 1 of 3 things
- Your'e mad because im owning you in game.
- You think that im a hacker/cheater
- You want to add me to play games with you

If you think for a second you have any clout or think your cooler than me you couldnt be any more wrong. I am gender fluid so please refer to me ingame as my correct pronouns which could be either she/her or he/him or sometimes fox/foxself. i am a tiktok content creator and influencer and am teaching the younger generation all about gender identity. i am a victim of trans abuse similar to what jews experienced during the holocaust so if you think for a second your tough think again. if you abuse me in game i will call the police and report a hate crime because it is transphobic to abuse a trans person. cis people make me sick like get with the times you are mentally deficient if you are cis and it is scientifically proven to have a lower IQ.

Firsrt of all, i dont cheat. I have been playing competivte CS at a high level since counterstrike source (just under 14 years) and have beat the best players in australia since i was very young. So before you come to hurl abuse on my steam maybe think to watch the demo and u might learn a new perspective or tactic to integrate into your gameplay.

Second please dont send me friends reqiuests. i only play with my best friends and i dont have time to play with bots as i have a very hectic work life. My only other hobby i spend my free time on apart from gameing is the gym. i have been doing competievie power lifting and body building for years but have since retired from comps and now do it just to maintain my muslce mass. i can lift my own body weight on a bench press witch is over 70KGs.

A lot of people have been asking me this and yes i am on the autism spectrum but it doesnt affectr my cognitive abilities in any way i have a tested IQ of 163 so if i tellyou to do something in game just belive me and do it because i can see the game at a higher level sometimes i will get very angry if you do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on my team.

When I have some spare time during the day, I am a keen and diligent power moderator in over 2 dozen of the top 100 subreddits on Reddit. Also, I have amassed nearly over 5 million Karma in total.

I am devout Hebrew and a sitting council member of my local jewish community synagogue. I take my spirituality seriously and take pride in my culture, so save the antisemitism or you will receive a swift block and report.

Anyway thats' me Chev. if You want to know more about me then too bad thats all your'e getting.

females can add me and i will accept
Landalas 9 月 1 日 上午 9:00 
+rep AWP legend
Nilakelv 6 月 3 日 上午 8:36 
Need a partner in crime for CS?
Dadal 4 月 6 日 下午 12:10 
+rep from Faceit) good player
Bluurzi 2023 年 9 月 9 日 上午 9:11 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ur mums a ♥♥♥♥♥ legit
Bluurzi 2023 年 9 月 9 日 上午 9:02 
seriously consider suicide
Bluurzi 2023 年 9 月 9 日 上午 8:58 
hope ur mum dies ♥♥♥♥