Big Fudge
United States
We're all just molecules, Cutie.
Etalase Sang Kolektor
Game Favorit
Grup Favorit
This group collects user with STEAM-Level 130 or higher.
Sedang Bermain
Di Obrolan
Emote Hoarder
:Avengers: :Spidey: :FF: :Fury: :commando: :atomicbomb: :mystbox: :reload: :spysat: :genki: :wisdomchest: :wisdomtotem: :zenstones: :clunk: :lonestar: :tyger: :br_bubblegum: :br_mad: :br_money: :br_shock: :proposal: :tdaadr: :tdaber: :tdamedkit: :pbomb: :pope: :robodance: :wanderer: :ftd_minotaur: :satch: :scy5: :shield12: :fsrocket: :blinkygoo: :dizzygoo: :happygoo: :bkey: :burning_man: :death_awaits: :explanation: :AncientSeal: :LitBrazier: :OpenTreasureChest: :FlyingOneEyedMonster: :GaricFigure: :LitFirePlace: :LitLantern: :gumo: :helpfulalien: :savepoint: :IvanovichGames: :PApaperclip: :PAskeleton: :FreedomofLife: :Livelikeitwasyourlastday: :NeverGiveUp: :Trust: :jeweller: :deadrat: :DeathMask: :CC: :Chores: :Chores: :LPLaserPistol: :SPDroid: :carbon: :helium: :hydrogen: :oxygen: :Gil: :MoonRaker: :Ohdeer: :Salem: :bcandy: :ccane: :gcandy: :ocandy: :terrorhedron: :terrorlaser: :terrorphoton: :terrorplasma: :gissette: :mayim: :Corpus: :Grineer: :Lotus: :fearsomeaura: :biblis: :machaon: :water_lily: :CatWish: :SchoolWish: :WarWish: :trunk: :woodle: :woodleenemy2: :woodlefather: :steambored: :steamfacepalm: :steamhappy: :steammocking: :steamsad: :steamsalty: :rick: :corncob: :sniperscope: :androxusgun: :hydra: :Bearded: :saimhann: :poocry: :physgun: :night_lords: :Sasha: :ambrosia: :penny: :necroshovel: :bossred: :Dosh: :Nutcracker: :happymeat: :rainbow: :KSad: :Sadclot: :redwizard: :Daggerfall: :CatNip: :shopkeeper: :vrwitness: :sbhappy: :venomousspider: :alliedbridge: :ss13down: :piewpiew: :glukkon: :shantae_sky: :riddle: :crawleye: :zombiehead: :VolgarrChalice: :mousesitting: :ftired: :healer: :squirtmeh: :vault: :dummy: :DSTtophat: :starplatinum: :shovelknight: :checkmate: :blablabla: :diplomacy: :fearsomeaura: :genki: :blankbs: :broflex: :coco: :dos2dagger: :P7: :P8: :TANAKA: :fhknight: :P: :satan: :androxusgun: :cassie: :barik: :stardrop: :brownchicken: :espresso: :tabbycat: :cactusmine: :pineapple: :td_bear: :td_Hazard: :cozybrawlhalla3: :cozycrashfish: :cozyrealmroyale: :cozyprodman: :cozyskyrimvr: :2018bestcoffee: :2018spacefox: :2018thebesteye: :BZTANK: :cozyps2tr: :cozybrawlhalla6: :cozywowscap: :cozybrawlhalla1: :cozyfallout4: :BZHex: :BZHOPPER: :BZMISSILE: :Quack: :mac: :welder: :alienlogo: :tsalogo: :p2chell: :p2aperture: :p2turret: :p2blue: :waves: :2018bestaward: :rg: :qlexcellent: :humiliation: :combokill: :midair: :divemask: :subnautica: :peeperfish: :night_lords: :black_legion: :blood_angels::UT2004adrenaline: :UT2004udamage: :UT2004flak: :elven_bow: :undead_book: :tower_shield: :vrexplosion: :vrmadhatter: :crawleye: :crawlspider: :boomer: :witch: :tank: :wumpafruit: :crashbcoot: :akuaku: :crashthumbsup: :Geralt: :yennefer: :TheD: :P: :dos2skull: :dos2teddy: :dos2ring: :MUSWarrior: :MULarva: :chaos: :plumbus: :MrFoster: :MULarva: :Dosh: :jeweller: :2019love: :alteration: :2019clover: :2019smile: :2019headphones: :2019space: :ghsmile: :ghlol: :profit: :golde: :Shu: :orbi: :2019headphones: :DSTchest: :DSTsmallbird: :AgeII: :ScoutSheep: :rloctane: :rlgizmo: :rlbreakout: :Teuton: :Onager: :ts_chicken: :Trebuchet: :sleepybs: :ragebs: :surprisedbs: :GanadoRE4: :AdaRE4: :AshleyRE4: :securityevasion: :boozehound: :ElectricFlesh: :frozenfield: :CatMorta: :DeerMorta: :WolfCubMorta: :DSTwilson: :DSTtophat: :ts_chicken: :ts_grenade: :dummy: :cortex: :cchearts: :wormeye: :powercrystal: :themark: :angrybirb: :smilebirb: :scaredbirb: :Mancubus: :Archvile: :DOOM_Revenant: :mr_youseeks: :gromflomite: :protozoid: :footprint: :duke: :pbomb: :ingyang: :deadlyrabbit: :Clot: :superpipe: :wavepipe: :scribbles: :Juicycactus: :piewpiew: :armorp: :unshakeable: :pitiless: :fhsamurai: :fhviking: :ambition: :proposal: :ftd_golem: :ftd_mummy: :huey: :Gauntlet_Coin: :mousesitting: :Gauntlet_Chest: :Ebonheart: :colorwheel: :d20: :pokerchips: :bfmedic: :bfengineer: :bftank: :sunsetRV: :Molag: :Aldmeri: :Imperial: :sotfood: :sotxbones: :smallfire: :sunriserv: :sotxbones: :sotshark: :missing: :csgoa: :csgob: :csgocross: :wiseoldman: :bf1star: :bf2star: :bf3star: :bf4star: :alliedstar: :alliedbridge: :ironcross: :axisfountain: :pkskull: :73: :gnomechild: :jawafrown: :jawagrin: :jawatongue: :repill: :gordon: :gmod: :balloon: :physgun: :gearthumbsdown: :gearthumbsup: :whatisjuice: :gearthumbside: :uyf_health: :uyf_aether: :uyf_weapons: :zamorak: :saradomin: :bandos: :carfire: :flameon: :gunflash: :hpkit: :medkit1: :meatRaw: :poisontraitor: :berriesRaw: :traitor_icon: :scstun: :scagent: :scimplant: :wesker: :bsaawa: :tricell: :kongo_icon: :china_icon: :spain_icon: :theplayboy: :theathlete: :theperformer: :metime: :mesprint: :meflip: :Heavy_Machine_Gun_Weapon_Item: :tshappydanielpleasant: :tsflirtydonlothario: :tsunhappybobpancakes: :tsconfidentbellagoth: :zagpls: :zagsad: :zagwow: :zaglol: :zaggrin: :squirtyay: :thekid: :squirtheh: :sbpatr: :swbfelectrocute: :swbfrollingcharge: :stray_robot: :stray_zzzz: :stray_karatekat: :stray_catapult: :stray_B12: :sbscare: :sbpatr: :sbangr: :tmntraph: :tmntapril: :tmntleo: :Dorf_Field: :Dorf_Train: :Dorf_Trainstation: :Dorf_Mill: :nmsgek: :nmskorvax: :cupup: :mugman: :cuphead: :cupdown: :cell: :heyred: :yikes: :deltashield: :vulcansalute: :communicator: :aurip: :aushrug: :nitra: :goldvein: :pickax: :sadstar2022: :happystar2022: :DukeExplosion: :dusksickles: :leatherneck: :materia: :FF7Rflower: :crossslash: :FF7Rshuriken: :arasaka: :bfammo: :bfmedal: :bfdeadroyal: :bfpac: :BFVAssignment: :BFVMedic: :BFVRecon: :TheDivineRedCrown: :redpage: :Dave_thumb2: :CultTriangle: :peppinoP: :urapirate: :burgerz: :penguintank: :rip4real:
Etalase Ulasan
16,1 Jam dimainkan
I've probably got close to 5000+ hours in Quake, whether it be Deathmatch, CTF, or many of the mods available (i'm looking at you Team Fortess)...

If it weren't for this game, I wouldn't be a PC gamer. DOOM 1993 may've introduced me to FPS games, but Quake showed me the wonderful and action-packed world of online multiplayer. Believe it or not, there are STILL active servers and Quake players today.

This game will always be the one I hearken back to. It's a timeless classic and deserves every bit of praise it gets.
greuben ♥ 💕 19 Sep 2012 @ 12:08pm 
♥, and nice 8!