what the deuce :os_sun:
scritchscratch 2022年6月10日 5時39分 
Floccinaucinihilipilification 2022年6月8日 15時11分 
i recently got diagnosed with aids, im saying this because you might wanna get yourself checked.
anomaly 2022年6月1日 21時28分 
light bulb cat is very cool
Floccinaucinihilipilification 2022年4月16日 2時33分 
>live in china
>wake up to go to work
>elevator is closed cause it decapitated a man
>take the stairs
>witness a man jump off a building when i go outside
>walk down the street
>a truck hits 32 school children, killing them all
>get to work
>someone gets crushed by a hydraulic press
>light a cigarette
>work place explodes due to gas leak
scritchscratch 2022年1月8日 7時09分 
man i should ♥♥♥♥♥♥ disable these
Floccinaucinihilipilification 2022年1月7日 18時58分 