过去 2 周 0.0 小时 / 总时数 99.9 小时 (评测时 55.6 小时)
发布于:2016 年 10 月 16 日 下午 5:25
更新于:2016 年 10 月 16 日 下午 5:26

Jon: I think we have eight out of ten.

Arin: That's pretty good score. I'd buy a game based on that.

Jon: You gotta go tenouttaten. Alright look there's at least one...

Arin: You gotta go tenouttaten. You goin' into the store, and you get tenouttaten.

Jon: (laughing) What you sayin'?

Arin: You gunna buy some meat at the shop, they say "Dis grade A meat." I take it out. I touch it; I stretch it. Tenouttaten! Bring it home. Cook it up with a little spice-

Jon: (laughing) HE SAID COOKITUP

Arin: ...A little thyme, a little salt and pepper. I eat it, put it in my mouth and chew... Tenouttaten.

TL;DR Tenouttaten.
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