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Показані результати 11–20 із 68
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
37.6 год. загалом (34.9 год на момент рецензування)
If it ain't top-down, it ain't Helldivers. The sequel is good, no doubt about that, but it caters to a main-stream audience who have the audacity to believe Top-down is a "gameplay flaw".

Genuinely one of, if not the best 4 player Couch Co-op your money can buy.
Додано 4 травня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 43
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8.6 год. загалом (7.4 год на момент рецензування)
Masterclass "modern" FPS game - it's oozing with personality, my only complaint with the game is that it's incredibly short...

You can still replay it a bit (since it's arcade-y). I can easily tell you that this is one of the best western game on PC.
Додано 27 квітня.
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175.2 год. загалом
I've always considered Left 4 Dead 2 to be the "vanilla taste" of zombie FPS games. You can't go wrong with it, everyone likes it - but I've always felt like it lacked a bit of seasoning.
Додано 20 квітня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 19
79.6 год. загалом
No idea who plays this game, because at the moment neither the gunplay, cooperation or roleplaying is satisfying. If you enjoy dying over and over again as the entire server respawns as MTF or Chaos, then be my guest - but before this was not the case, it was much more balanced before. My main issue is the over-reliance on corridors in which the game wants you to team up on the SCP, but due to corridors being tight... friendly fire becomes a huge problem, especially due to floaty movement and lag. You might be certain you ain't shooting at your teammates - but you can never be 100% certain as they can clip and B-hop through you. SCPs have shields which regenerate health points - which completely destroys the "lone hunter" aspect of the game it had earlier. My main gripe with the game is that "grouping" ruins the game, as the randomly generated corridors clearly weren't designed for more than two players, and winning as SCP becomes laughably easy thanks to their synergy (You need to look at one SCP, while standing still for the other, while running away from the other other SCP - all the while you're trying not to look at that other SCP).

Something horrible happened to the community. I remember servers where peanut would get praised, where people were fun and chill. NO idea what happened, because now I see more up-tight people trying to treat this game like a competitive deathmatch game rather than an immersive simulator with friends.

I used to play this back when there was 200-500 In-game, when it was still using old models and was bare-bones. Yet I enjoyed it a lot more back then than today - I thought this game would be way better than before, but it just isn't... Fancy updates and models are one thing, but clearly something went wrong in development. They removed all the fun exploits and mechanics - seems to me they want a deathmatch game.

I gave it a good shot, didn't like it - I'd recommend playing the original SCP game Co-op with friends though.
Додано 20 квітня. Востаннє відредаговано 23 червня.
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21.9 год. загалом (13.0 год на момент рецензування)
"My demon killing game is better than your demon killing game!"

The Doom vs. Blood discussion summarized.
Додано 19 березня. Востаннє відредаговано 30 березня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
19.2 год. загалом (1.5 год на момент рецензування)
The 5th screenshot on the Steam page goes hard

(And yes, It aged like fine wine)
Додано 11 березня. Востаннє відредаговано 13 березня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
50.0 год. загалом (47.4 год на момент рецензування)
When compared to Payday 2, it's a shame Payday: The Heist received such a small time-frame for updates.

The heists are methodical and engaging, the enemy Ai is vastly different from Payday 2. There is no bloat or useless modification/customization of weapons nor' overpowered crutch skills and perks. It's proof that more is less.

Let me list a few key changes here.

+ Ai doesn't swarm you, they hunker down and await you to make a move. Unlike Payday 2, cops don't come in comically big numbers, they also don't swarm - it's also due to this reason that their Ai is better and that their weapons hit harder. I've seen cops seek for cover, slide into rooms, slip around corners - they feel and have a bigger presence than in Payday 2.

+Bulldozers and cloakers. Bulldozers are scary and their design both visually and audibly conveys this well. In an addition to this cloakers can surprise you by wall-running, something that the cloaker cannot do in Payday 2.

+The weapons have a beefy sound, ammo is scarce but impactful. There is no weapon "bloat" unlike in Payday 2. Weapons-wise it's what you would expect a heister to use - no wacky RPGs and miniguns. I enjoy the fact that there's a light AR, medium AR and heavy AR in this game, rather than having to chose between 10 light ARs, 10 medium ARs and 10 heavy ARs that function identically to one another.

+When an "assault" is over, you actually have an "anticipation", you have actual time to plan and do objectives - in Payday 2 the "anticipation" was lowered to mere seconds making the game 24/7 assault arcade action.

+Your team actually moves as one, as a team. The game really puts a focus on this by making you an easy squishy target if you run away from your team. In PD2 you have crutch skills like "Inspire" making revives (even in a bad spot) incredibly easy. But in PD:TH it's common to not go help someone up if they go down in a bad spot, as 99% of the time it'll cause both of you to get put into custody. Slow-paced and fun, rather than seeing your team move at mach 3 speeds.

-Lack of heists, with only 9 heists, this essentially is the downfall of PD:TH, despite having superior gameplay when compared to the sequel - it may end up lacking in content.

To basically summarize, it's a shame people consider Payday 2 to be a "direct upgrade" when this is clearly not the case. People who like arcadey meme-tier gunplay will enjoy Payday 2, but people who prefer a more methodical and slow-paced one will flock to PD:TH.
Додано 14 лютого.
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3.6 год. загалом
Unfortunately - it's the weakest Amnesia game by far and for very good reasons. It feels and plays as if made by different developers (which makes sense, as Frictional Games is only the publisher, not sure how much part they played in the creation of this one).

The game is awfully short, you can finish it under 3 hours or so, the enemy encounters are limited and when they do happen they're usually scripted. Scripted events happened in Amnesia: The Dark Descent too, yes, but they weren't the meat of the game. The game loses it's tension upon several enemy encounters when you realize you'll never quite need to hide or run away - the puzzles are generally fine, but they don't have the same memorability as The Dark Descent had.

There are good things in this game, however... I can praise the story, for it's very interesting - I'd say it's on par with The Dark Descent lore-wise, it's just a shame many people dismissed it for the weak gameplay. The atmosphere and graphics are great - they're engaging. The voice acting and sound design is generally strong - I haven't noticed anything awkward there.

In general, not only is it much shorter than Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but it also has a weaker gameplay loop. Amnesia can be replayed a few times before getting boring, thanks to the dev documentary, the somewhat unpredictable nature of the monsters and trying out different story endings. But for most fans of the first game - it's the custom stories you can download for Amnesia which gave it in theory infinite replay value.

Overall, I'm still going to recommend the game. It's a mixed bag, a bit awful, good and meh - very underwhelming when compared to the Titan that is Amnesia: The Dark Descent. So, for the sake of your enjoyment, consider this game a departure, something far different than the original game - it feels more like a walking horror game with the occasional scripted piggy chasing you in a linear hallway. Get it on sale.
Додано 24 січня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
1.1 год. загалом
It's not terrifying as you might think - although it is a decent (submarine) panic simulator played best with friends.

However the price change since leaving Early Access is massive, and for a game that looks and plays like a flash game I don't see why anyone would waste 35€ on this game. People will complain about spending 60 € on AAA titles - but then proceed to purchase this. This game is 15€ full price at most. Don't get me wrong, the graphics and Ui are charming and at times pretty to look at - but so are many flash games from the flash era. The wiggly jiggly ragdoll movement from the characters doesn't really help with the horror element, you'll be laughing before you start your first mission.

This game is SEVERELY overpriced, you won't get your bang for your buck, and since this is a Co-op game which requires actual wit, I doubt any of your friends will think putting 35€ into this game (assuming they're not Norwegian). So your only choice boils down to playing with randoms and hoping for a good game through VC (which I assume is inconsistent like in any Co-op game).

Last but not least, as a slow burner game - it'll have to take you MORE than two hours to figure out if Barotrauma is the game for you. The progression in this game takes it's time slow, which isn't bad - but keep in mind that the vast majority of people don't feel like spending 35€ on a game that they won't be able to refund just to find out if they even like the game. Due to this reason, I see no reason why a demo-version featuring the first few missions in campaign shouldn't exist.

With the 1.0 update: they added one additional boss, three new enemies and overhauled the factions. I guess a QoL update with some enemies sprinkled in is worth increasing your price from 25€ to 35€. Not to mention it, it frequently used to go for around 5-8€ on sale, now at most you'll see it for 20€ on sale. Not worth it.
Додано 2 січня.
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3.3 год. загалом
idk how the ♥♥♥♥ do you people still not own HL1 on Steam - like marked one, what the heeeeeeeeeell
Додано 19 листопада 2023 р..
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Показані результати 11–20 із 68