81 時間プレイ
For an old Crimsonland veteran and a twin-stick shooter fan like me, this game is unbelievably fun. It's a "shoot and shoot zombies until you die" -kind of a game, and for me, that's enough.

Gaining XP while killing zombies? Check. Gaining perks while gaining levels? Check. A very large selection of fundamentally different perks and weapons? Check and check.

I've played this game only with keyboard and mouse, and it works perfectly.

If there's something to complain about, it would be the rather brown overall look. On the other hand, given the locale, that's to be expected. Another thing is that the game starts up too much closed in at the start of the first game in the session.

I got this in Winter Sale 2012 for less than 1 e and I've put in 13 hours at the moment.

You can tune the difficulty level and the scoring changes accordigly. As a result, once you feel the rounds take too long to play, you can play on a harder level and shorten the rounds accordingly.

Still in doubt? Check TotalBiscuit's "WTF is... Nation Red" video on YouTube.