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Публикувани: 17 ян. 2015 в 4:56

this game bolsters itself on subtlety. this works for and against it. it's by no means groundbreaking however the tone is pleasant. if you want it, wait for a sale because it's not very long and the replay value is almost nonexisitent unless you feel like unlocking the special features. personally, i think i was only motivated to because i thought that everything ended a bit too soon. if you're the introspective type the stuff presented isn't something you haven't thought of on your own but the world is surprisingly immersive despite it's simplicity.

if nothing else, the soundtrack is fun to listen to. it was a decent trip while it lasted. the story seems like you may have to fill in some of the empty spaces. all in all, i'd probably file this under ' an aquired taste '.

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