4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.0 hrs on record
Posted: 19 Sep, 2018 @ 10:03am
Updated: 19 Sep, 2018 @ 10:03am

A masterpiece of a DLC. Arguably better than the main game.

There's not much to say really, the level design is the best it's ever been, choices you make during the first act make have huge consquences during the second act of the game. Great pacing to the story with a mystery that will make you keep scratching your head and wanting to explore more so you uncover all of it. And trying to do this without the help of Augs and without killing anyone is probably the most challenging experience I've got out of this game.

One pet peeve is that the SJW influence is obvious in this. A lot of the guards are hardass women which is completely unrealistic and almost immersion breaking. It isn't really an issue in the grand scheme of things but it's ridiculous enough that it warrants pointing out.

Definitely worth full price.
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